otter point rv park

scott craven

Well-Known Member
Anybody know if they have a boat ramp, moorage ?
looking at renting a trailer there in the summer
but only if there's good access.

They have a ramp but no moorage.,
I believe it's a recreational rv park, whereas all the lots are owned?
it's a rental by owner....
not sure if it will work out yet
but wanted to make sure i can launch there first.

I just bought a lot there and am in the process of having my trailer delivered this spring , there is a launch there but no moorage you put in and take out each time.
There is a trailer for rent that I have used in the past before retiring and buying there........ lots of room to park your boat and the trailer is in good shape also there are toilet and shower facilities for your use, I have the owners email address but will not post it on this forum as per his request.
If you wish further details email me direct .


No, we use Eriksens cabin when up there, and we had a trailer on Al Skogmans lot for some years before he sold the property off, it was up Godman Rd. just opposite the old gas station.
We also stayed prior to that on the old dry land sort in my camper before I sold it or at Tom Mawsons cabin.
Hope you look over Otter Point site it is very nice there, do you want the trailer owners email address ? if so email me at

I was looking at Otter Point RV last year as place to rent a trailer but decided to just stay a week up at Renny. I did find a boat there that my buddy eventually bought, a sweet 17' Double Eagle. In any event, I was sure tempted by the idea of owning a spot at Otter, but I'm probably not old enough to get in! <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

No moorage but a solid looking ramp to launch. Looks like heaven to me if you like to fish the Sooke area. I don't know if the lots are a good investment, but the location seemed perfect if you fished a lot. I'm jealous.

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
Red : Age is not a factor trust me, as for the investment factor you are right on, and thats one of the reasons I bought there, I initially purchased the lot and then bought a new (still being built) park model trailer at 35 ft; this will do nothing but appreciate in value over the next 5 to 10 years.
The Governments at all levels have made it very clear that uncontrolled development of the BC coast line is not going to take place, existing sites can be upgraded and structures torn down and rebuilt but furious growth on coastlines is not going to occur.
From an investment of $100,000 CAD last June and payment of 1 years fee's and taxes I was offered sight unseen $125,000 for the lot and trailer if they could take posession June 1 2006, so I could have rolled it all in 1 year and made $25,000
I spent many years fishing the Renfrew area and Bamfield/ Nootka also, but this looked like nice way to fish and relax at the same time and yet be close to all the amenties.
Joined the Sooke Legion and love their Friday night steak BBQ's for $9.50 it's great .

AL, if u don't mind me asking how big a lot, and what kind
of service is provided ?
looks like a great spot and hope all works well
and i see u in August.

Not a problem, the lot size is 49 ft X 27 ft which has an 8X10 shed with locking door on it to store goodies and BBQ's , water, sewer and power , showers and wash basin toilet facilities in a central unit, event tent, library, laundromat and a public telephone, private launch , dock for mooring boat while you go get the truck and haul er out etc., and guest parking outside the controlled access gate.
There are plans being discussed and are in the explorative stage for dropping a breakwater from the rocks about 200 yds offshore and to extend to the NW so as to allow for limited moorage to be put in ,say 30 - 35 slots, at this point in time only about 30 of us there are active fishermen.

Now all I need to do is figure out how to fish the area properly and I'm a happy camper, but thats the fun of it , the learning experience and the absolutely glorious views and the B.S. and an odd wobbly pop in the evenings.

Right ??

And you can nip out to Jordan River when the surf is big and watch the surfers too.
My old stomping grounds. :D

Take care.
At the risk of hijacking this thread does anyone know what is happening to the sites that are to go up for sale in renfrew, i.e. how much and how many will be available???
I have not heard about lots for sale in Renny. Small lots for trailers?

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
As the dry land sort proceeds in developing the idea is to start with the water side lots and expand , this was when I last talked to Rex, I believe the figure for the prime lots(water side) would be $25,000.
I looked into it but have some bad vibes from the fact that there was many underground oil and kerosene tanks in that area(ground water there is fouled with oil slick), pollution clean up comes expensive and if you are an owner you are part of the consortium who will foot the bill for the environmental clean up when it come and I preferred to stay out of that kind of mess in my retirement years and just concentrate on fishing ang watching the world go by.

Smart thinking A.C.

I wonder if the new sewage lines are going to Otter Point? If so, that could cause some extra expense too.

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
Smart thinking A.C.

I wonder if the new sewage lines are going to Otter Point? If so, that could cause some extra expense too.

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."