So if this is the case here as well, (it's yet to be seen) and the fishery will support the 2/2 limit salvaging the season, would that mean the 88/12 allocation is still an issue? or that the volume of the fish stocks are the problem as I suggested in an earlier post?
If in fact there is a reprieve for all involved and that THIS YEAR fishing might return to normal, I would suggest we take the opportunity to truly get organized, united, and go back to DFO with a much stronger case for everyone involved. That includes, as our politicians say, the commercial fishermen, the commercial/Sport fishing industry, and the regular sports fishermen who have no financial gain by the outcome.
Before you rule this idea out as a pipe dream, remember this:
"The enemy of MY enemy, is my Friend"
At this point, the DFO and politicians are everyones enemy for not doing what they are paid to do. Protect, Promote, and Improve our Canadian fishing Resources. No matter what side of this debate you are on.