opinions - should I remove the bottom paint on my tinny ?

After a long delay, the bottom paint is off !

Remember, the bottom paint was not maintained by the previous owner and was in TERRIBLE condition under the hull mainly. Something needed to be done. Repairing the bottom paint is not so simple, as that would be a 2-stage process (the expoxy barrier would need to be repaired first). I wanted the bottom paint gone.

To remove it, I realized the simplest method was a wire wheel on an angle grinder, not a fun job though. I made this decision after considering sand blasting for a long time (it was my initial plan), even bought a sand blaster and tesed it, but realized that would be a lot of setup/teardown, a mess, require air supply upgrade (or rental). Basically a major PITA for a DIY'er in their driveway.

Heres the work plan:
Stage 1: wirewheel to remove the antifoul paint (DONE)
Stage 2
: wirewheel again to remove the expoy sealer coat (more difficult, its strong paint)
Stage 3: DA sander 180 to 2000 grit (same as I did on my 16 tinner, looks great)

It was important to finally get stage 1 done ASAP, as any exposed aluminum thru chips in the paint was being damaged by leeching copper from the antifoul paint. Then I can do stage 2 and 3 in due time.

I also sandblasted all the annodes on the hull and motors, and those are all working well now.

before and after.png

before nad after 2.png



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Have you confirmed that the wire wheel will take off the epoxy? Maybe a stupid question but you think if you did the antifouling then you’d just keep going with the same wire wheel until both layers were off?
Have you confirmed that the wire wheel will take off the epoxy? Maybe a stupid question but you think if you did the antifouling then you’d just keep going with the same wire wheel until both layers were off?
Yeah it does. I forgot to mention that I did all three stages on the sides with the wire wheel. Since the sides are visible and less area to complete anyhow.
My boat does not stay in the water, its trailered, I don't need bottom paint.

... and I'm a believer in bare aluminum.

Make sure annodes are working, wash the hull when I get home.
It’s all you need. My boat has been doing great since I stripped the scabby bottom paint off 8 years ago.
I don’t think a wrap below the waterline would hold up very well on/off the trailer frequently. Only recommendation if you do decide to remove the paint is to get it blasted off it’s not a fun job there are some epoxies that can be painted on to protect from corrosion or like you say shark hide or nyalic would work.
I agree. we only wrapped the cabin.

After3 years in the water year round the bare aluminum is getting quite work boaty looking

Once in a while I think maybe would should had done sharkhide or more wrapping but then I think the cost of that would cover a good part of our fuel bill.and it is a heavy aluminum boat. The person it will appeal to will buy the boat because it is perfect for their needs not becasue it is still shiny all over.

We had the bottom stripped last year and both types of paint reapplied . We haul the boat out every spring and have it power washed and new zincs instsalled on the hull. The zincs in the motors get done during the annual service

I will be 70 this year if we are still farting around in our boat in 10 years I will be happy.
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