After a long delay, the bottom paint is off !
Remember, the bottom paint was not maintained by the previous owner and was in TERRIBLE condition under the hull mainly. Something needed to be done. Repairing the bottom paint is not so simple, as that would be a 2-stage process (the expoxy barrier would need to be repaired first). I wanted the bottom paint gone.
To remove it, I realized the simplest method was a wire wheel on an angle grinder, not a fun job though. I made this decision after considering sand blasting for a long time (it was my initial plan),
even bought a sand blaster and tesed it, but realized that would be a lot of setup/teardown, a mess, require air supply upgrade (or rental). Basically a major PITA for a DIY'er in their driveway.
Heres the work plan:
Stage 1: wirewheel to remove the antifoul paint
Stage 2: wirewheel again to remove the expoy sealer coat (more difficult, its strong paint)
Stage 3: DA sander 180 to 2000 grit (same as I did on my 16 tinner, looks great)
It was important to finally get stage 1 done ASAP, as any exposed aluminum thru chips in the paint was being damaged by leeching copper from the antifoul paint. Then I can do stage 2 and 3 in due time.
I also sandblasted all the annodes on the hull and motors, and those are all working well now.