One Very Important Accessory For Every Fisherman!!


Well-Known Member
Another post reminded me of something I've been onto for about a year now

These are the most comfortable shoes on earth!

If you're on your feet all day you gotta get a pair.

Lots of different colours and while it's a little cold right now spring/summer/fall nothing beats Crocs in a boat-or anywhere else.

It'll be the best $35 you ever spent I guarantee it!
Totally agree, imagine walking down the dock in those things, are you kidden me?
How many times have you walked down to a dock and spent time looking at other people's feet?

No don't tell me I don't wanna know.:D

But if you want to be comfortable take my advice you'll never regret buying them.
Ahhhhh yes , Lasqueti Island mocassins , yes indeed , hippies love em , and I hear they are comfortable though, but no thanks will stick with the running shoes.

Whats next .....birkenstocks and wool socks? Do you suggest the pink or the orange ones? My oh My!
hey chris those ones in the back of your truck look pretty comfy:D
you know,:D since i see you wearing them on the boat all the time[:o)]
Get them in Black, they're no as ugly as the coloured ones. Went camping and fishing last summer for a week and wore them constantly. In and out of the boat, walking in the lake, they float, dry in minutes ....slip on and off easy to getting in and out of the RV....a must now on my camping list. But my wife will not let me wear them in public!
Got some for Christmas from my daughter. Never would have bought them myself, but I have to say they are about the most confortable things I've ever worn! Thankfully, they're brown, not orange or pink, so I'm wearin' them wherever I want long as my feet are happy, I don't really give a s**t what anyone else thinks about my footwear.
I bought a pair of those last year for the boat, What CR*P!!! Yeah their comfortable, initially. But your feet sweat in them without socks. They offer no support, if you have a bad foot placement on an uneven surface they'll dump you. As for traction, on wet floors/decks/sidewalks they might as well be roller skates. On top of all that, they're about as well built as a pair of $3 "flip-flops" and cost $30. I think I'll leave my pair in the dumpster and the rest for the Yuppies. If I didn't need to leave for work I'd tell you how I really feel.
Yeah a lot of nurses wear them because the are comfortable but you won't catch my feet in those. Looks like something the kids on the short bus wear.
As I get older, I gave up on trying to impress other people. (except with a good fish!) I now go for comfort and practicality... Good for you dogbreath!
Sorry, Couldn't help myself. Had a heck of a day and this lightened it up a little. I was down setting up our Puget Sound Anglers State Board Booth at the Seattle Boat Show last night and a fishing supply place right next to us had them hanging on the wall. Everyone was gone from there. I was wondering what they were, now you answered it.
They were the same bright pinkish color too!
In all reality you will do the best fishing when you are comfortable. Whether it be shoes, heater when cold, or whatever. Whatever it takes to get comfortable and confident. Thats the name of the game. Do what ever makes you happy.