Old pictures of years gone by


Well-Known Member
With the pending closures making the kids ask about this summer"s fishing trips....I dug up the old family picture album from the 60's and 70's for a laugh..Besides some really scarey hair cuts, there were lots of pretty cool pictures. It would be very wild to figure out how we could share some of our old awesome fish pictures in this media. Unfortunately I have no idea how you would get old pictures digitized for good quality posts on a computer..
Any experts ?????
I'm sure there are some unbelievable shots in lots of albums we all have forgotten...
Did the kids good to see their grampa back when he had muscles and black hair ,not crippled with arthritis in a wheelchair now. Made me feel a bit younger too;)..
The best way would be to use a scanner to scan them on to your computer. A photo place or copy shop might be able to do it for you if you don't have a scanner.

Walmart and I am sure a bunch of other places do digitalize your hardcopy photos for you and burn them on a CD. Pretty cheap and quick.
If you have any negatives, you can get them scanned as well. They are much higher quality than scanning the photo.
Thanks guys, good ideas for this computer 'tard..
Maybe I should ask my teenagers too,after all, they know everything don't they..:D
Y'know if you have a steady hand and some decent light, you can just take a digital picture of the actual picture. Should work for a couple of shots but not a huge library......
Use a macro setting (little tulip pictogram) if your point and shoot digital makes the picture a little out of focus. Take a few shots and find out what works. Then you also need to download the digital picture somewhere online like Photobucket so it can be seen here.
You can take ur pics to Walmart and they can put them on disk for you. If you have a scanner as said ealier then it also can be easy.