Okanagan sockeye 2024


Crew Member
Here we go again. Early days, but the fish have entered the lower Columbia. Hopefully we don't have a repeat of last year's disappointment where a larger than forecast return went for nought, trapped in Brewster Pool by high water temp and low flow in the Okanagan River.

I'm in Osoyoos for the last week of July. Hoping it will be open but is it normally just a few weeks in August?
Usually opens around Aug 1, give or take. they start with 2 week opening and have added additional weeks in abundant years.
Clips for rods and clips for dummy flashers hold on 30 feet of gangen. I hate the stacking clips, but they work too.
Usually opens around Aug 1, give or take. they start with 2 week opening and have added additional weeks in abundant years.
That’s what I thought. Probably not gonna drag the boat/gear up on july 20th if I’m gonna miss the fun by a week. My boats not much of a wakeboard boat to have fun up there when there’s no sockeye fishing haha
This year's forecast over Bonneville is 410,000 sockeye. These are distributed across the entire Columbia system, but 75-80% of these are Okanagan fish. Here's the YTD figures. Once things progress further, start looking at the Wells Dam figures, the closest counter to the Okanagan River confluence.

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