Oil leak


Wondering if anyone has had the same problem I am having with my Seatec hydraulic steering. When turned hard to port oil comes flowing out the vent fill cap on top of the helm. Air in the line does not appear to be the problem. The oil is a steady flow not spitting out like when air is present in the lines.Courious if anyone has experienced this problem .Thought I would put it out here before I spend the bucks for a new helm.
you may want to check that the seals are not by passing as that will do the same thing. I am not sure if this unit has a relief valve in itas well.
I forgot to mention that the helm worked great for over a year and the fluid level is fine. This problem just appeared out of the blue.I don't believe that it is the helm seal because the oil is flowing out of the oil filler vent cap not the seal.