Nog, R.V.P., S-man-water update plz...

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Dirty has been outta the loop with a blown power supply on the ole computer. Have gone through the usual dribble that this site has too offer, and figured a new thread was needed.
Anyone have an update as to how much water is movin on the flow. Thanx in advance-dirty
Thanx R.V.P., will try a few of those secrets myself.. Cheers-dirty
Mama I will be in touch through the mail. Maybe this year we'll get together for the chrome. I hear slabby is back in town for the holiday's.dirty
confimation is correct Dirty I'm back and ready to hit the stamp, spent the last few getting ready. What days work for you? Tell me and I',ll give ya a shout!
C.S out
dirty , there today, home by noon,if it keeps rainin the river will be to high by tomorrow, started the year out well, well enough for me, loads of guys, five top, five bottem, two b.s., five pontoon boats

ensure the future
Good to hear from ya Andy, as long as the water falls I am good to go. Give me a call I am in the book.
Kev, was there as well today. Managed a couple of nice hatcheries, but the water was definately gone by 1:00. It will take a couple of dry day's before that is gonna be fishable. Ring me up-dirty
Was out yest, about 2.5 feet in the early am. By 2ish, she was down to about 2 centimeters!! Managed 3 for 4 though, so not too bad. height was just right, just the eventual viz probs.

Too much on the plate today to get out, but likely have a boo tomorrow. Letcha know as it goes...

yeah rain...gota like it went fishn yesterday a buddy and me managed 2 hour...this afternoon salmonspanker and me gun go fish the hole was fishin yesterday its full of fish well let you know how the stamp is for fishn gone

yeah rain...gota like it went fishn yesterday a buddy and me managed 4 in 2 hours...this afternoon salmonspanker and me gun go fish the hole was fishin yesterday its full of fish well let you know how the stamp is for fishn gone

Water conditions:
Stamp today: blown & brown (as in zero viz) and still rising <img src=icon_smile_dissapprove.gif border=0 align=middle>
Sproat today: Fairly high, bank access becoming an issue in a lot of places. Viz at 8:00 am ~ 3 feet. Viz at 4:00 pm ~ 1 foot. Water rose 6 inches in the last two hours before we departed, now well up in the bush in more places than not. OUCH!! That equals a whole LOT of water dropping into the lake, still rising, still raining. All the feeders brown and roaring. Gonna take a day or three to drop her into shape!

Fish likely moving into the main with this flush, but hard to catch them when they can't see Jack Schitt. A few in the Sproat, but fewer than suspected. Gonna rest it now until the sky-water at least slows...

Cheers & Merry Christmas Ladz!

Edited by - IronNoggin on 12/22/2005 18:01:50
you still on-line there Andy.. Give me a ring, I will be up for awile.
Thanx nog, does not sound to inviting but I will probably still give it a shot at my feet in the a.m.-dirty
water was really high and clear this morning managed 8 steelies ....3 which were winters ill probably be at er same spot again tomororow sometime........stupid baitcaster drag died on me so gun be usin the good ol spinin rod n reel lol well im out have good christmas everyone ....chu

upper.....up past moneys aways up past moneys just learned how to bottom bounce 2 days ago in this area and god its deadly there was driftin with baitcaster n float and hit nothing then switch over to my 10 n half foot noodle spinin rod n reel with a small spin n glo and god was rollin a fish every few casts just unreal up there maybe going again tomorrow afternoon.....should try get out sometime over the vacations there mama....well gunna go have few brews n eat my pizza have a goodone

Water was high and the vis was about 2.5 to 3 ft. Fish moving but as usual you stay in bed and go for the aft. bite and you miss it. Couple of the guy's had a pretty good morning.. Hey there Chev.-dirty
Yep Dirty it was alright. Right place right time I guess. The centerpin sure is a lot of fun. Thinking about going back tomorrow but if it keeps raining like it was in the afternoon it might just be a full blow out so I might just stay home.