"No Power" Fishing Zones ("Tyee Pool" Style)?

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Starting a new Topic as a spin-off from Brisco's entertaining "Almost Swamped at the Cap" thread. [^] The latest issue there was whether regulating over-crowded fishing areas (like the Ambleside beach at the Mouth of the Capilano River in West Vancouver) along the lines of Campbell River's "Tyee Pool" rules is a good idea for the future?

Brisco was saying, and rightfully so I might add, that people who troll without downriggers, using traditional 4-6 ounce weights and a LOT of line behind their boats are creating "problems" in crowded conditions where most fisherman are using downriggers and are used to tucking in quite close to each other to accommodate for limited space!

J-Global responded that he's been fishing without downriggers in the mouth of the Cap for 20 years, and he doesn't think that he should be forced to change tactics just because some people choose to use more "modern" equipment.

One of the responses to this debate was:

"J_Global and Brisco,

This is a moral dilemma! Both of you have very good points and are still at odds! There's no doubt that using the "old style" trolling in the kind of dense crowd that has unfortunately become the "norm" at certain places during certain times of the year is going to create problems. But old style trollers are not the only ones creating problems in places like that. The "crowd" itself is a problem... I think... and is the reason I usually avoid going there during those times... or fish it for an hour or two REALLY EARLY in the morning when most of the yahoos are still sleeping!

Also, I don't troll "old style", but is there not something to be said about "respect" for traditional methods? Why should traditional fishing techniques be excluded during the best times of the year? In Campbell River, the famous and historical "Tyee Pool" has been a huge success precisely because it is exclusively reserved for "traditional" NO POWER fishing from July 15th to September 15th! Is it time to look at regulating the mouth of the Cap (and other places like it in British Columbia) along similar lines? Hmm... I think I'd get a row boat if they did... and wouldn't that be fun!?"

I can think of a lot of places in BC that could benefit from "No Power" fishing rules! What do you guys think?

I honestly feel there is far too many restrictions, regulations and rules already. I perfer a little open space, that's why I fish in the chuck. The guy with 500' feet of line behind his boat is a rookie and will learn to shorten up his lines when a redneck in a Bayliner runs over them. I like to get out on the water at first light, I am usually heading back when the crouds show up.
Hey Black Dog,

I guess what you're saying then is that the "crowd" regulates itself by the simple fact that guys like you and me choose NOT to go there when it's crowded! Hmmm... good point! [^]
Sorry oppitan i'm with black dog on this one.I don't think we need any more restrictions. When I head out fishing for a week or two out of the year I don't intend to be rowing my big butt around.What's next other than no motors or downriggers maybe no boats,or no hooks on your lure ,or no reels LOL.I'm sorry but the whole thing can get out of control just because a few people don't want to make a small investment in gear. Don't get me wrong if you want to fish old school(no motor) I think it's great,and challenging. However I also don't want to be told someday that I can't fish off Secretary anymore because I am running a motor. The way I see it the rowers can row right beside me if they so choose too,but it would be awful hard for me to start rowing my 24fter beside them ;).
Actually...it usually doesn't take too long for people fishing without downriggers to smarten up once they get riggered. Last year I claimed 2 flasher/hootchie set ups from over there.
Now, I was a good samaritan and went over and tossed the gear to them...(still trolling with all my rods out and riggers down). People can do what they will at their peril.

Personally, I think some sort of restrictions are worth considering...to be honest...it's now at the point where it's getting ridiculous how efficiently and effectively we are fishing the ocean...downriggers for trollers are now pretty much standard on most areas of the coast. I know last season people were using "Strike Vision" cameras off the mouth of the Fraser looking for fish and trying to determine if they were in the right area or not. Unbelievable, yet another tool in the arsenal to see if there's even fish there!!!!

I think it's something worth considering.

Too many restrictions eh? That's pretty funny. Seems pretty unlimited to me...most boats are fishing 2 to 3 times as many rods nowadays as they were 20 years ago and people are complaining there are too many restrictions? REALITY CHECK!

I'd like to see a bait ban around river mouths, no fishing around river mouths, mandatory selective gear techniques and restricted fishing areas.

As for the whiners on here, consider this...those who are already successful at catching fish will continue to be successful catching fish, and the other people who feed themselves and their families by guiding and running a charter business will continue to catch fish.

I'd like to see them bring back the "Fraser Banana", put up a no fishing zone from the 15th St. Pier to the QC off Stanley Park, etc etc etc...

The ocean is a big place to catch fish, and I think little bites of here an' there aren't going to make massive differences in Angler's Success rates.

You call fishing in a little area where all the fish hold to swim up river sporting???

Give me a break. The moment you go to take anything away from anyone there is always someone who is going to b*tch and whine.

Some of the biggest complainers I think are those who aren't very successful as it is. I've guided professionally for operations that have downriggers and operations that do not have downriggers. Be a man, learn to fish without riggers, and contrary to popular belief, you can and DO catch fish without riggers. Given my statement though, I'm not going to stop fishing 6 rods off my 2 downriggers while I can! :D

And by the way...can't you see my post is tongue in cheek? [:p]

Lighten up guys.. [:o)]
Hey guys...

Interesting to see that we now have people on both sides of the fence. I thought I was gonna get nothing but "[V]" there for a while for suggesting more restrictions! Thanks "Magician" for bringing some balance! :)

Don't get me wrong now... I don't mean to say that "Black Dog" and "Beak" don't have good points (I think I said so - didn't I) but if one reads the responses from those who don't want more rules, one sees that they are more concerned about themselves and their fishing habits and less concerned about conservation and the future of the "sport" of recreational fishing.

If you want to argue for less restrictions (or even no change to status quo) then don't talk about your own fears of having to shut off your engines, your downriggers, or limiting the number of rods you put out... come up with something that will help the fish stocks remain healthy and strong! Then you will have my vote! You all agree to single barbless hooks don't you? Why not take it a little further... for the sake of the fish?:D

Let's make one thing CLEAR, if we all want "conservation", we cannot rely on the DFO to do it for us!! If we want things to change for the better... the government has to be lobbied, and lobbied in BIG NUMBERS. If you don't beleive ME, read Erick Wickham's "Dead Fish and Fat Cats"! You can download it FREE [:p] from the internet:

Here's the link:

Seriously, if they come up with more restrictions, I won't mind. As a matter of fact, I'll still get as much fun out of catching fish where people say there are no fish and even more fun out of catching more fish than the next boat who is complaining about too many restrictions!

the thing about it is, gear restrictions will never EVER have a impact on our fisheries health, it will always be a drop in the bucket. It comes down to habitat(fresh and salt) and commercial pressure. Having guys rowing around with 2lb balls and big spoons is not going to save a run of salmon.

Just look at the issues with sockeye right now - nothing to do with fishing at all, but simply poor habitat.

quote:most boats are fishing 2 to 3 times as many rods nowadays as they were 20 years ago

well thats not really true, since 90% of the anglers out there are still using only 2 rods. Even if most guys were using 4 rods, we are chasing 2-3 times less salmon(at least).

All the power to the guy that can catch fish using "old school" methods - But if an area is crowded its simply rude to fish that style.

Imagine if I fished a river all alone with my fly rod for years but now that river is shoulder to shoulder with gear anglers. Wouldn't' it be a little rude if I still insisted I could use my fly rod and continually snagged other anglers and created chaos in the pool?
We don't need more restrictions on the sport fisherman because we are not the cause in the decline of our stocks,,, plain and simple.... Go to where the problem is.... We have discussed this on here before and it has been all but unanimous that there are other issues at the root of our problem...
So we don't need yet another special interest group fighting to restrict our sport even more....
Someone said it is a big ocean out there,,, exactly.. If you want to fish old school go ahead find a quiet corner and go,, no one is stopping you...
I actually fished with a 12oz and small flasher last week with success in an area with few and very deep fish. Its different and you need to learn how to fish them i lost both my fish as i couldnt get a hookset with the weight
I still like to use weights for trolling at times. There is nothing like the initial strike with a surface line for sheer excitement. If fishing bait you can tell when it has been struck, so you don't waste time dragging a shredded bait. 4-6 ozs is good for Coho, heavier for springs. I've caught tons of springs in Alberni with 8-12 oz weights. Especially early in the morning or late at night. I've never got a surface line crossed with any one, even in the zoo in the canal. I usually fish with 35 pulls and enough weight to sink the line at a 45-60 degree angle. Old school rocks, nothing like a 25 pound spring on a Tomic plug, a wee weight like 8oz doesn't slow them down at all.
Hey, Black Dog.

Wow it's great you've moved on from writing graffiti on the bathroom walls in high school. Super mature. [V][V][V][V]
As far as gear restrictions go... I say have at it at any way you want it.

What I would like to see is bag limits such as that on Chinooks, spread around more species such as lings. Also a limit on the real big ones (spawners). I see certain guys that all they do is target these monsters year after year after year. Got no problem with keeping a trophy, but why would a guy need 10 in a season?

I feel that no matter what we do, our effect will be minimal. After all, we only make up ~3% of the TAC (if my #'s are correct). Conservative approaches need to be done on the comercial fisheries in order for anything to happen.
Listen Thebigoof!
The guy slighted me and I sent one back - over. Don't be a hero. You talk about school alot in your posts, so, BE SMART!
Change your ways

(note to forum)
This will be my last post

my time will be better spent fishing!
Go back to your kennel dog.You were way out of line and derogatory comments were not the intent of free speech.
quote:Originally posted by black dog

Listen Thebigoof!
The guy slighted me and I sent one back - over. Don't be a hero. You talk about school alot in your posts, so, BE SMART!
Change your ways

(note to forum)
This will be my last post

my time will be better spent fishing!

You know what blackdog...if you want old school, we should set it up old school...remember..don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
[:0] Just kidding...

I think your post is in bad taste. If I've slighted you..then that's your problem.

90% of the anglers are only fishing 2 rods? What area of the coast are you fishing????? I've fished a lot of places...and 2 rods are in the minority...big time. Boats in the Charlottes are mostly fishing 3 to 4 rods, same thing elsewhere...

Anyways, check your temper before you go typing....
Sorry "fishin Magician" your never going to convince me we need more regs. Expecially since I know the sporties aren't the problem. I tell you what why don't we get some yankee input on this thread ,and they'll tell you all about regulations.They aren't even allowed to put a hook in their home waters anymore thanks to regulations.Myself bringing home my 10 or 12 salmon a year isn't the problem.I will always be fishing salmon ,and others like me will always be fishing salmon no matter the regulations.But put in a bunch of regulations and i'm outta there along with alot of others along with our investments to the area. My boats on a trailer so shut down the fishing (I hear there's still lots of room in Alaska)[V]
hey FM,

In the areas I fish and have fished, certainly 2 rods is the norm: Sooke, Port Renfrew, Alberni Inlet, Nootka Sound

I do fish 4 rods regularly on my boat, but we are almost always the only boat doing so. Its a moot point though in relation to this conversation.