Well-Known Member
Almost Funny if it weren't so bloody Ludicrous!
When the sockeye season started, the recreational limit was set at two. This was at the direction of the local SFAC which noted it was the right thing to do - hopefully seeing a higher early escapement (front-end loading) to the lakes and setting an example for the other sectors to do the same. That didn't exactly work out, as the FN's have been going pretty well full roar, and of course there has already been a gillnet opening in the Inlet.
So, as a nice gesture, the SFAC suggested to DFO that the recreational limit be upped to 4 per day, just in time for Father's Day. Seems The Dino fully concurred with the slower start (at 2 per day) but now has NO interest in seeing that increased. Citing the "fact" that the majority of the fish that came early have thus far wandered up into the Sproat, and not so much into Great Central, The requested increase was denied by Stock Assessment. Seems the extra couple of day that might be taken by sporties might be a little too much for the stock to handle at this point...
Ah... But... FULL STEAM AHEAD for the FN's and even gillnetters - they couldn't possibly have the same impact could they?
Here's the relevant E that has been circulated from the SFAC:
Almost Funny... [V]
When the sockeye season started, the recreational limit was set at two. This was at the direction of the local SFAC which noted it was the right thing to do - hopefully seeing a higher early escapement (front-end loading) to the lakes and setting an example for the other sectors to do the same. That didn't exactly work out, as the FN's have been going pretty well full roar, and of course there has already been a gillnet opening in the Inlet.
So, as a nice gesture, the SFAC suggested to DFO that the recreational limit be upped to 4 per day, just in time for Father's Day. Seems The Dino fully concurred with the slower start (at 2 per day) but now has NO interest in seeing that increased. Citing the "fact" that the majority of the fish that came early have thus far wandered up into the Sproat, and not so much into Great Central, The requested increase was denied by Stock Assessment. Seems the extra couple of day that might be taken by sporties might be a little too much for the stock to handle at this point...
Ah... But... FULL STEAM AHEAD for the FN's and even gillnetters - they couldn't possibly have the same impact could they?
Here's the relevant E that has been circulated from the SFAC:
quote:Hello All,
So much for the Father's Day present.
DFO won't up our limit to 4 this week as they are concerned that 98% of the 50,000 Sockeye that have gone into the lakes went into Sproat and only 1400 through the GCL counter at the dam.
The count so far is twice as high as expected and the test boat, commercial fishers and all said there are more Sockeye everywhere than anybody can remember.
Even DFO staff said Stamp Falls and the upper river is full of Sockeye but there may be a velocity restriction at the Stamp Falls fish ladder with the high water and recent rains.
As this is all anecdotal, stock assessment won't agree to an increase in our limit until they have swum by.
Until the GCL count goes up, they are trying to slow the catches and err on the side of caution.
This coming week, the first nations fishery will continue with an expected take of around 15,000 inside bands and 3000 outside bands. Together with an expected recreational catch of 3500, that leaves 15,000 pieces for the gilnetters on Tuesday night.
They are holding off the seine fishery for at least another week and will reduce the gilnet opening to 8 hours with the slight possibility of a two or four hour extension, depending on number of boats and catch.
Wish us better luck next week
Almost Funny... [V]