Newbee would really appreciate some direction and basic info!


New Member
I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read my post.

I apologize if this annoys anyone. Basically my father in law and I are interested in river fishing. I am 26 years old, and only fished with my father when I was just a young boy. Basically, my father in law left it to me to get this going. I was hoping you guys would be up to offering any info about how to get started in river fishing, basics required, rod/reel combos, good stores in the vancouver area to shop/ good bc fishing books, fishing seasons etc.... I mean anything! I will continue to research myself but thought this would be worth a shot. Again I apologize for my lack of knowledge... i hope i dont offend! thanks very

go get the last two issues of bc sport fishing good getting started articles in them Introduce your self to the local tackle shop and be a patron there consistently. A relationship will build and your progress will be tracked and will make it eaiser to help you.
Sorry I missed that you were from Vancouver-in that case Berry's Bait are the people to talk to.

In terms of gear have a look @ used stuff I see all kinds around all the time-you do have to know what you're buying though as most people have an grossly exaggerated idea of what used tackle is worth even if it hasn't been used/just sat in a closet for years it's still only worth 50% of retail and if it's been used at all even less.

Your timing isn't great since that season is winding down-even a few weeks ago I could have shown you a few great spots on the Squamish now fish are almost dead and not worth targeting I was up there yesterday.
Another good shop is Sea-run Fly and Tackle in Coquitlam on Austin. Considering the amount I've spent there I think I should own about 100 sq.ft. of their shop ;-)

Good guys with lots of patience with newbies.
go get the last two issues of bc sport fishing good getting started articles in them Introduce your self to the local tackle shop and be a patron there consistently. A relationship will build and your progress will be tracked and will make it eaiser to help you.

what is bc sport fishing? i can"t seem to find this magazine. got a link?
actually think I have.:-)

Yeah... I've got pee pee slapped by Rick for doing the same. :o

Lets see if srhodes answers some of whalebreath's questions to help narrow down his query.

Its like golfing srhodes... Your club depends on the hole