New Tournament

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The Wannabee Anglers Cup Invitational Fishing Tournament is now the Ken Evans Ford Wannabee Anglers Cup Charitiy Fishing Tournament.
We have a guaranteed prize of $2,000. There are great non-monetary prizes as well. Tickets will be available at Pedder Bay Marina as well as local business in the Cowichan Valley.

Check us out on the website
or call me directly at 250-746-9654 or email
I Wannabee a donor of prizes for your tourney. You can count the KoneZone in for $ 500.00 USA dollars worth of gear. Yours is a great cause {Hospice} and I am proud to be part of it. Thanks, Mike
wow, nice donation Mike!! I haven't got a chance to try the rig you sent me yet, but the pinks and sockeye should be around the corner.
Mike at KoneZone thank you for your sponsorship of this event. We appreciate the support and are looking forward to getting your product showcased to our fishers. Tickets will be out of the printers next week and available either at Pedder Bay Marina in Metchosin, South Island Fish in Duncan or by emailing me and using paypal.
Poppa Swiss, If you are waiting for those species to try the samples you are really missing the boat. At Nikka they are selling through 50 Daisy Chains a week and just put in a huge order. Those guys are catching Kings and Silvers with the KoneZone. Opp's Chinook's and Coho's. My bad EH! We use the KoneZone flashers all the time from Springers to Fall fish. Never fished for any Pinks or Sockeye. Get it wet you just might be surprised. GOOOOOOWAnnabeeanglerscup!
Let me know when tickets are available. We have a boat of three and another boat of 2 interested. I prefer newer tourneys as the chances of winning are good. I live in Shawnigan Lake so I can pick them up easilyt enough.
Yes the chances of winning are very good. We will be giving away a lot of prizes given the number of entries. You can get tickets from me here at South Island Fish Co. 105-5462 Trans Canada Highway Duncan. 250-746-9654. The printer will have them here in my hands next week. Thanks Barbender.
Barbender, Shawnagin Lake sounds a wee bit Irish Eh. I bet it's beautiful, or at least has beautiful women.[8D]
Shawnigan Lake is a corruption of the Salish language for "Lake of the Devil" or "Lake of the Dead" from a battle which took place centuries ago and the dead were thrown from the canoes as a burial device.
Strangely according to the legend none of the bodies surfaced in the following days so the local tribes declared the Lake as taboo and for many years none of the local tribes would frequent the area.
I grew up in Shawnigan Lake and there is no remote connection to anything Irish in the place name.

Yes he has them now.
Tickets are now available at:
Pedder Bay Marina 478-1771
South Island Fish Co. 746-9654
Mainstream Aquaculture 743-8255
Ken Evans Ford 748-5555
or email me at and I'll hook you up.
I sent 12 KoneZone daisy chains up for prizes today. At $49.95 CDN they should make for some mid level prizes. Good luck, Mike Hyneman / KoneZone / 503-348-9442
Tournament is held in the Sooke waters Between Sheringham and Oak Bay. Wrap up BBQ is being held at Pedder Bay marina (where you can still get tickets). Tournament is the week end of June 23-24. Cheers.