New to me Double Eagle 16


New Member
Hi, I'm new here and just finding my way around. I'm not very experienced in the whole boating scene but just love getting out there. I just bought a 1978 16 DE and have a question or two. The previous owner told me that the DE boats are built with double floors and are sealed and for that reason will not sink. I have not found that info in my research. This boat seems very solid and no soft spots in the floor at all. However there is no access to the bilge and am wondering if that is original or was the floor redone at some point? Anyway any info you can give me is much appreciated. Thanks a bunch in advance.
Uh.. no to the double floors. Just another seller pedalling some ******** to help in the sale.
Post a picture or two of the floor. I'm pretty sure there should be access to the bilge area.
Uh.. no to the double floors. Just another seller pedalling some ******** to help in the sale.
Post a picture or two of the floor. I'm pretty sure there should be access to the bilge area.

Haha that figures. There is no opening anywhere that I can see. I took a couple of pictures.


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