New Rec Closures Proposed Marine Refuge

Hardy Guy

Well-Known Member
See Fisheries Notices FN0102 and FN0100 for 2 new closed areas. One is for Rec prawn and crab fishing In the Banks island Proposed Marine Refuge area and the other is for all Rec fishing (except from shore for inverts) in the Masset Inlet Proposed marine Refuge. These areas are also being closed to commercial fishing.
I don't recall the consultation with the rec sector. .... unless I missed something.
I would say we were told about it, not really consulted.. There is what seems to be 2 process involved in all this.The government to government process and the the public consultation one sadly :(
For those interested - I & others posted details about the impending Northern Shelf Bioregion Proposed National Marine Conservation Area Reserve MPAs on 2 other threads:
