New fuel dock in Sooke - Thanks

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I just wanted to post a thank you about a situation I had yesterday. I was running my boat down from Bamfield and after a morning fishing made a run for Sooke to fuel up. I didn't realize that Sunny Shores was so far inside and we were running on fumes. We stopped and asked some guys who were working on a new dock, where the fuel dock was. They said in a few months it would be right there as they were to be putting in a fuel dock but that Sunny Shores was further in.

We had hailed them from about 20 feet away and both engines died as we had finally run out of gas. The guy jumped into his service boat immediately and towed us in. His boss went and got a 45 gallon drum of gas from his personal stash and pumped it in for us. He charged me his price of $1.16 litre and knocked off 5 litres because he didn't think he had got the whole barrel dry. I think the place is called Westcoast Vacations and I was impressed to say the least.
Same thing happened 2 weeks ago as well when i was up at Quadra. Went for a run up to Stewart Island. I had not ben up there for a few years nd did not relize the fuel dock had been removed. I stopped in at """"MORGANS LANDING""""" at stewart island. BOB the owner said that thewre was not any fuel for 20 miles one way or 17 the other. Crap!!!!!! He was nice enough to give me a jerry can full and did not want even want to charge me for it,Made him take a 20 for it and that was like pulling a hook out of your finger for him to take it.

THANKS BOB, its guys like you you that can make a crappy day turn into a great one

That's it. My memory is good just very short. Really nice guys in their crew. Turned a bad situation into a pleasant experience.