New DFO Catch Survey - Your Thoughts?

Whole in the Water

Well-Known Member
While I don't trust DFO much (based on past performance), I try to keep an optimistic viewpoint on stuff like this. More, accurate data in theory should help our poorly managed wild salmon. The lack of catch data sure has screwed us in the past, especially areas 19 and 20. What are other people's thoughts on this?

RECREATIONAL - General Information

Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Subject: FN0531-RECREATIONAL - General Information - Information regarding online survey of BC Tidal Waters Recreational Fishers

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Sport Fishing Advisory Board of BC
(SFAB) have been exploring cost effective and timely options to improve catch
monitoring and reporting within the recreational fishery. The use of on-line
surveys is one option that we would like to test.

DFO in conjunction with EKOS Research and Associates is testing a random
voluntary internet survey of a portion of BC Tidal Waters Sport Fishing licence
holders. The survey is intended to collect data on recreational fishing
activity and catch in the tidal waters of British Columbia. The information
collected will be used to assess the merits of this type of data collection and
how it might be used in the future to improve our current catch monitoring and
reporting programs.

Licence holders selected for the survey will receive emails from both DFO and
from EKOS. Contact information provided by DFO to EKOS will be securely stored
and will only be used for the official purpose of conducting this survey.
Individual survey responses will remain strictly confidential and will be
protected in accordance with the provisions of the federal Privacy Act.

Participants who are selected periodically will be asked to summarize all of
their fishing activity and catch during a specified survey period (a particular
month or sometimes a shorter period). Participants will be provided a link via
email from EKOS to the survey website.

Participants can opt to record their information periodically (preferred if
several fishing trips occur in the survey period), or to complete the survey on
a single visit to the website after the survey period ends. It is important
for participants who don’t fish during the survey period to indicate that on
the survey. Since samples are taken randomly, some licence holders may be
selected to participate in the survey more than once during the licensing year
(April 1 to March 31).

This survey approach was first tested in March 2012, and represents the first
use of the internet to collect recreational catch and effort information from
licence holders in B.C.

We appreciate your cooperation and contribution to this important survey.
Please email:
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0531
Sent June 28, 2012 at 08:51
Visit us on the Web at
While many people don't trust DFO we need accurate catch data to determine what stocks are at risk or not. Without the data it is very easy for DFO to close certain fisheries or limit catch in that area. Whether we like it or not this info is needed. I'm on board with the SFAB and catch monitoring.
Good on them - FWIW, they do have a catch reporting area at the online licensing page which I use to report. I assume they compile all this data, but its not hard if they actually promote it (hell, email every damn person that got their license online even). It was news to me until someone pointed it out here last year.
I'm in. I also suggested to them that the post the catch/fishing effort observers questionaires and allow people to submit their own electronically if no observers recorded their fishing efforts. DFO has limited resources, so we can provide this data as easily as we post on this forum.

I had to laugh/cry when the link they provided for additional questions did not work, but they say they will fix it.
anybody who still thinks that not providing catch information is going to benefit them or our fishery somehow couldn't be more wrong...
Good luck guys......

I still dont trust them...