New Chartplotter/Sounder

Yes it's definitely a big hole to drill!

I think the MFD provides full power to each port (ie. 1Kw to the B175HW while the other transducers are working). I would have to check with Garmin to be sure.

The resolution on the HW is excellent. I think it really shines for salmon fishing, as you can readily sift through bait balls and pick out the depth the salmon and other targets are, within and at the edges of the feed. So finding bait and suspended targets is where it really shines. While it can find bottom just fine, even deep and on the run with the thru hull, it has such a wide cone (for searching), that it may not be the best ducer for precise bottom fishing, particularly around structure. I run into some artifacts sometimes with the HW when I'm in abrupt structure, pinnacles, deep ledges, where the cone sounds off of bottom of very different depths. In that setting, a narrower cone (and on a fixed lower frequency if you want to fish deep, like 400+, which I seldom do), the GT51M may be a slightly better tool for the job (which is what I switch to when I do go deep). If you're fishing in the flats, even deep like 500-600 without structure, the HW is just fine on its own because the depth throughout the cone is similar. I think they both pick up feed on the bottom in that depth equally well. In the end I'd drill the hole (I did), but that's just me. I hope that helps, and good luck,

Thanks for the review. I think for me, upgrading from a HDS Gen1 to GT21 and a new head unit would be a huge improvement. B175 sounds like a great transducer but it’s pretty pricey. I also can’t come to terms with myself to drill a big hole in my haul. Call me a chicken but even the thought of it scares the cr*p out of me.

I found a package deal on GPSCentral for 942xs and GT21 that was hard to pass. Down the track, if I change my mind and decide to spend more $$ on a new ducer, I know that I have a choice between B175 and a Panoptix. Although I’m not sure how effective the Panoptix technology works in deeper salt water.

Thanks for the review. I think for me, upgrading from a HDS Gen1 to GT21 and a new head unit would be a huge improvement. B175 sounds like a great transducer but it’s pretty pricey. I also can’t come to terms with myself to drill a big hole in my haul. Call me a chicken but even the thought of it scares the cr*p out of me.

I found a package deal on GPSCentral for 942xs and GT21 that was hard to pass. Down the track, if I change my mind and decide to spend more $$ on a new ducer, I know that I have a choice between B175 and a Panoptix. Although I’m not sure how effective the Panoptix technology works in deeper salt water.

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good choice I think you will like it
Yes it's definitely a big hole to drill!

I think the MFD provides full power to each port (ie. 1Kw to the B175HW while the other transducers are working). I would have to check with Garmin to be sure.

The resolution on the HW is excellent. I think it really shines for salmon fishing, as you can readily sift through bait balls and pick out the depth the salmon and other targets are, within and at the edges of the feed. So finding bait and suspended targets is where it really shines. While it can find bottom just fine, even deep and on the run with the thru hull, it has such a wide cone (for searching), that it may not be the best ducer for precise bottom fishing, particularly around structure. I run into some artifacts sometimes with the HW when I'm in abrupt structure, pinnacles, deep ledges, where the cone sounds off of bottom of very different depths. In that setting, a narrower cone (and on a fixed lower frequency if you want to fish deep, like 400+, which I seldom do), the GT51M may be a slightly better tool for the job (which is what I switch to when I do go deep). If you're fishing in the flats, even deep like 500-600 without structure, the HW is just fine on its own because the depth throughout the cone is similar. I think they both pick up feed on the bottom in that depth equally well. In the end I'd drill the hole (I did), but that's just me. I hope that helps, and good luck,

thanks for the review fishbadger
So far I've been happy with Garmin, since I upgraded my whole system a few years ago. 7612xsv and B175HW with GT51M, recently sprung for a panoptix transducer I'm playing around with. And their customer service has been excellent. Cartography was sub-Navionics, but then they bought Navionics, and hoping that continues to improve,

@fishbadger Can you please tell us about your experience with Pantropix? Have you been using it in deeper salt water? I wonder if it’s worth the extra $$ to switch?

and could be drilling a
@fishbadger Can you please tell us about your experience with Pantropix? Have you been using it in deeper salt water? I wonder if it’s worth the extra $$ to switch?
It is undoubtedly cool. Worth the money, I'm not sure yet. I think it will be even cooler when I can fully leverage it. This time of year where I fish, most of the action and targets are deep, 100+. So while I can see and track my DR balls at that depth, and sometimes see my terminal gear behind the balls on the troll, and see fish coming through, I haven't fully learned how to make the most of it. Also I'm looking forward not only to shallower targets as the summer goes on, but also to jigging more with it, as I think it'll really shine in that venue.

A few weeks back we were jigging with the fam for some black rockfish. The fish were really skittish as they were getting the crap beaten out of them by the fleet every day. That day I thought it was the worst investment I'd ever made, seeing 10,000 rockfish refuse everything we showed them. They were literally running away from our gear. So at times it can be really demoralizing when you see how much the fish really don't like you, and it'd be better for morale to just be oblivious! More to come, I'm just scratching the surface of it. One thing is for sure, you want to stare at it continuously, so it's like I need an extra FTE on board to watch the thing,

This is a great review. Thank you. How are you finding it for marking bait and suspended salmon on a fast troll?
Thanks for the review. I think for me, upgrading from a HDS Gen1 to GT21 and a new head unit would be a huge improvement. B175 sounds like a great transducer but it’s pretty pricey. I also can’t come to terms with myself to drill a big hole in my haul. Call me a chicken but even the thought of it scares the cr*p out of me.

I found a package deal on GPSCentral for 942xs and GT21 that was hard to pass. Down the track, if I change my mind and decide to spend more $$ on a new ducer, I know that I have a choice between B175 and a Panoptix. Although I’m not sure how effective the Panoptix technology works in deeper salt water.

View attachment 53892
Got the same deal couldn’t pass it up either!
This is a great review. Thank you. How are you finding it for marking bait and suspended salmon on a fast troll?
I can't really comment on that. . .I went off road and mounted mine sideways (not the intended way) so that I can look forward at what's coming up, and backwards at my gear. I can see single fish coming up and what their depth is, in time to adjust my rigger depth and hit them in the face with it. I should be able to see fish respond and follow my terminal too (at least that's my design). The 3D reconstruction stuff which is super-sexy looking where you would get a historical 3D reconstruction out to the sides at what you just drove through, is accordingly shot in my setup. I don't see my configuration to be a good bait and target finder with great sensitivity, that's what the 175HW is for. I haven't figured out what the PS31 is good for yet, but it sure is cool to look at, ha! FWIW I'm using the PS31 on a transom mount, mounted sideways.
I have always used Lowrance products. I started with the lowrance Hunt GPS for hunting. I purchased a few Garmin GPS products for hunting.... I did give them an honest try, I did not like them, to "Cartoony". A few years back I outfitted my boat with Lowrance products, 2 HDS gen2's, radar, VHF and other stuff.I love it and never had an issue. Last mouth I decided to buy the 3D module,but I couldn't run it with the old Gen 2 so I also purchased The 12" live. I used it last week and am impressed. I will admit everything is super expensive, outright ridiculous. Of course I had to buy a $60.00 transducer adapter cable for my transducer to work on the new unit..... But I like lowrance, thats my vote. Good luck.
Did the 942xs for $999 come preloaded with the proper charts for BC coast? I'm considering ordering x 2 but the guy on the phone didn't really know.

How old is it before chucking it give harbour chandler a call they may be able to help you out re warranty or a upgrade they reall helped me out a few years back BIG time
My chartplotter (Lowrance Elite 7 Chirp) sounder appears to have kicked the bucket this weekend so im in the market for a new combo unit. My initial reaction is to go away from Lowrance as I found the unit was nothing but problems from randomly losing bottom, reporting incorrect speed/depth/location to randomly turning off.

So far I am considering:
-Simrad GO7 XSR
-HDS 7 Live

Most of my fishing time is spent jigging for salmon and bottom fish though I do occasionally troll.

Any suggestions? I would like to stay under $1500 and already have a P66 mounted on the transom.

Like Wolf -give harbour chandler a call-I had the same thing happen with my elite 7 and they rewarrentied it and I got a new one for I think 99 bucks-very happy-call Denise and see what she says!
Got my 942xs in the mail today! Pumped for it includes built in Charts.


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Got my 942xs in the mail today! Pumped for it includes built in Charts.
Unless it has changed you get one year of chart updates for free. Plus I am sure you will have some software updates to do. Very easy once you connect an iPad or a cell phone via wireless. It will automatically download for you.
You will really like this unit!
Unless it has changed you get one year of chart updates for free. Plus I am sure you will have some software updates to do. Very easy once you connect an iPad or a cell phone via wireless. It will automatically download for you.
You will really like this unit!
Haven’t gotten that far yet but I’m sure your right. Not sure about charts but I got a good deal on this so if I have to purchase that’s not a problem. Plan on using a iPad And active captain app as the second unit for the back of my boat while fishing. So the updates will come easy as mentioned!
Garmin Says it’s preloaded with G3 Coastal maps. Download Garmin Active Captain to your phone or iPad.
The 942 has built in wireless that you connect your phone or iPad to and then you can mirror the screen.
Plus you can browse charts and create routes and waypoints while away from your boat and sync up when back aboard.