Needlefish Spoon Prototype Test - A New KILLER Emerges!

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Hey Nog, I am in for some when they are available. Maybe I'll get lucky and suck up to Felix to grab them for me when he sees you.

Great idea, long time coming
I would like to buy a few from you when you make available. DAJ
Hey Nog, first post!

I too have been trying to create a needlefish lure for the simple fact there is nothing out there like you mentioned. I used a coyote spoon and cut it thinner. Then I bent it like a coho killer. I will post a pic if I can figure out how to. I tried it the yesterday in light of your post and caught a nice 15-20 lb Hali as soon as it hit the bottom at Constance Bank. The hali was puking out needfish or sandlance all over the place Unfortunately I lost the fish trying to gaff it. That's another story. Good thing we already were bringing a Hali home. I was curious on how long your spoon is? My coyote was a 5" I believe.

Thanks. Bird Dog.

Ps I have enjoyed the forum since I heard about it then joined in march. I plan to contribute to the local sticky's as I am no doubt fishing beside the boys from this forum in SVI all of the time.
I just returned from fishing Thursday to Sunday on South Bank off Ucluelet. Every fish that we caught was full of large needle fish. In order to target them we had to fish hoochies and 11" flashers. I would *love* to have a spoon that replicates a needle fish so that I can run with false flashers. Having to drag those flashers up from 170 feet all the time is hard on the arms, and it really impacts the fight when you're catching 13-15 pound chinooks.

Keep up the good work, and I'll be sending in an order as soon as you get this figured out!
One of the old time lures (still around) was the "Deadly Dick".

How about the name for this spoon..................................................

wait for it.....................................................................................

"Needle Dick":D :D
We all want them Buddy but developing a new product means more details than you can imagine.

Rest assured we'll hear when they're headed for the stores.
Ran one of them Mid coast last week...Petty cool..No fish..this one was to big to match the bait size...everything there was small small herring...... Great action on the the spoon looking forward to running it on the west coast next weekend... :)
Man, would have loved to try and use one of those spoons over the last few weeks. Fish are stuffed with needlefish.
Marvelous! Absolutely Marvelous! Go git 'em Nog!
I call mine the NoggleFish. :) The fact that I haven't been out fishing, seriously, in about 2 years prevents me from giving any report tho. Can't wait to use it. The thing looks killer!
Good luck buddy! My experience is yours if you need it :)
You have to get these going...
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China is what happened to them.......and what happens to every lure invented in the last 5 years.

Oh burrn... lol. I know Seafever, I agree and it's so unfortunate. I'm a proud Canadian and I wanted nothing more than to put "Made in Canada" on my stuff. I literally tried for years to produce here.
It's almost like no one wants to facilitate on this side of the pond. It's either produce 100,000 pieces in China in the same amount of time it takes for some local company to even look at your project, when they're not too busy of course.
U.S. seemed more eager to facilitate but ...prices? Well I'm sorry to say that that's a no-brainer. For me? $30,000+ for moulds locally. China? ...about $5k. I'm just starting out. I can only wish to be like the big guns.
I salute the companies that stayed home like O'Ki, Hot Spot and the former Rhys Davis. Not only are they proud Canadians, they are mainstays in the sportfishing industry. My tackle box is full of their stuff. Always will be.
One day I'd like to bring it all home. Longevity in the marketplace will dictate that I guess.

I'm sorry this seems like a hijack on Nog's thread but, if Nog is going to get these going one day he has to look at all options available. Just giving my 2 cents.
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