nanaimo pink salmon


Well-Known Member
anyone know when the pinks are going to be in departure bay this year . my buddy told me he thinks they will be in by next week but im not too sure. im going to try and troll around the area. its my first time fishing for pinks in that area so helpful info is much apreciated thank you
Does hook size apply to someone who is trolling?

Is there a defined "boundary" for hook size?

To me it is ironic that fly fisherman will agonize over which color fly to use for Pinks....combinations and shades of color for the days that the Pinks are turning their noses up at offerings..
When you google "how to fish for Pink salmon", some articles will tell you to use only a small pink lure 22" to 25" behind a flasher and go dead slow.

Meanwhile trollers off Sooke and other areas can't keep the Pinks off....trolling anchovies and other large salmon gear
like spoons etc....last time I was off Sooke we got 2 Chinook and 8 Pinks......using salmon gear at Chinook speeds.
No 22" leaders and NO dead slow......

You would think that trollers would do extremely well for Pinks off Nana.....

But I don't imagine the shorecasters would appreciate some-one cruising back and forth anywhere near them.....
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Hook size regulations apply only to the Deparure bay/Millstone fisheries. If you are trolling within these areas, hook size regs would apply regardless of tactics. You can use any size hook you want when fishing outside of these areas. Note that Departure bay and Newcastle channel are closed to fishing to prevent interception of the Nanaimo watershed Coho and Chinook salmon runs, only a small portion is open for the pink salmon run (see first link). This area is normally closed this time of year (July 15th to October 25th, see second link) Word has it the RCMP will be patrolling the shore based fishery, with authority to ticket snaggers and violators of the "hook gap" rules....

Pink Salmon Fishery Notice:

Nanaimo area closure:
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According to what I saw on the news last night, they are there in full force. Heading out today in the boat to try for them, spin casting, for the first time. Three youngsters under 7 are coming along to try to land their first salmon. Hoping for the best.