Must be March

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The freshy's are finally down, now maybe I can get out for some lazer bolts.. Reports from the Stamp are up and down with the upper showing more and more kelts with each day passing, and the lower giving up only a few lazers with each tide.

Cowichan is reporting about the same with alot of the fish staging on the redds and the odd one down low coming in fresh.

Those of you venturing to the N. and N.W. Van. Isle. destinations, reports from Gold N. are indicating some decent late winter and early spring greetings.. Remember to check the regs. as the once notorious E. Coast stream regs. for the Wints. are slowly moving N. into the Mahatta and Buck Crk. area- cheers-dirty
p.s. Coffee is on at the shop, stop by for a B.S.
the freshys are finally down [?] is that like rap or something
Sweet, is that in Nanaimo? If so might have to make a trip down, need some tackle, and g.f. has the same ol stuff.
Dirty is on...we are jumpin' the Gold if the water stays stable, otherwise we are going to hit the tide on Monday. As me buddy speaks...stop in for some JOE at the shop. we are open Tues. thru Sun. at 8AM to 5PM and then after the new Lic. seven days a week...

It's kinda like we are opening a whole new if you want us to focus in on areas not yet touched - now, as today is your opportunity to tell us what you would like to see in a store - tell us what we can do to make it easier for you.

Come and see the changes - peg by peg, rod, by rod - this shop is for you and everone come on down, have a coffee and give us a yarn, as to what you would like in a shop!

Robert Van Pelt.

You gotta get in a huge selection of worms!!
Larger selection of steelie gear (corkies, worms, spin n glows). Get rid of the useless colours and sizes.

You guys have got a great shop so far. I have no problem making the hour long drive up there to drop money when I get good service and can talk to guys that actually know what they're talking about and not some punk kid sitting behind a glass counter.
hey Graham how did you make out on your drift friday. Did you try the float
Nope didnt try the float, wasn't big enough to see in the chocolate milk I was fishin in!

The river blew out by noon and cleared slightly by the time we finished our second drift.

Looking ugly now! 1.75m!!