Mushy salmon

quote:Originally posted by PinchMe

Agree... St Jeans took in my 18 pound Spring, I received 6 lbs of hot smoked back with TWO tail sections after waiting 6 weeks! Definitely not all my fish, if any???
Throw your catch in salt ice max 24hrs, bag, flash freeze and ship in dry ice, eat within 45 days for best results.

18 lb. spring. cleaned and head off your now down to about 12lbs. of fish. Process it smoke it/moisture loss it shrinks 40%-50%. your 12lb. of fish is now about 6 lbs.! You received 6 lbs of hot smoked back is exactly correct!! Before you go off on a limb and start accusing.. get your facts straight.. you may have a few things to learn and to understand.

West Coast Style
Salmon/Halibut Hot smoked (BC West Coast Style)
Priced on incoming weight
Vacuum packed and frozen $2.25/lb 50%

Peppercorn Hotsmoke $3.00/lb
Cajun Hotsmoke $3.00/lb

Indian Candied Salmon Hot smoked (honey glazed in strips)
Priced on incoming weight
Vacuum packed and must be kept frozen $2.95/lb 40%
Gee rock thats a bit harsh do you work for them???? dont start mocking board people here ok, but i will tell you I personally sent in 2 WHITE springs and you would never believe this but I got mostly RED spring back and that was the last time I used them.

Good luck Wolf
Not harsh at all.. I'm just pointing out that an 18lb. spring will yeild 6 lbs. of finished smoked salmon. Some may not understand that and wrongly accuss/blame St. Jeans.

Surprissed to hear that Wolf. Did you complain to St. Jeans? what did they say or do??
Ouch Rock [B)]
You make a valid point regarding the weight loss, however the point I was originally trying to make was whether I received my original fish back.
Two tail sections in the packaging convinced me otherwise.
I will never use them again!
PinchMe :D
No I didnt it wasnt that big of deal to me, I do enjoy the indian Candy but ill never use them again for the above mentioned incident, I got what what i felt was the amount i sent in so It didnt matter to me I got salmon. LOL wasnt mine but was good.

Did you complain to St. Jeans? what did they say or do? Did they refund you? Did you have more than one order in and recieved some fish from another order that you may have thought? I'm sure St. Jeans would like to know so they can correct there problem.
I've got a cousin that lives in Campbell River & his girl used to work for St Jeans. It was thru her that I first tasted St Jeans Candied Salmon. WOW!! I thought I have to try to duplicate this. Never been able to equal it but it sure enough did inspire me to build my first smoker. Last yr I probably smoked a hundred lbs of salmon all candied. Used the recipe from a Dustin K. something or other (a charter operator up in Prince Rupert) that posted his on the web. Saturday I Canned 34 jars of salmon, mixture of sockeye & springs. I know this that my smoked mushy Coho didn't turn out so well last yr so if in the event some poor soul got mine thru St Jeans (if I took it in there) well.... That being said they do a great product. Might be a good thing if someone pointed out this site to them & told them their getting a lot of bad press from some mighty important people & that maybe they should be more careful in the future!
Knot -

You're smoking fish that you had previously frozen?? I've never had a great result doing that. I'm not a professional smoker or anything, but I've found that fresh is the only way to go....

- P
Unfortunately its not really/always possible NOT to freeze my fish when we are so far from the coast (Edmonton) A carrot out of the garden & a fish out of the drink is always best fresh. The very point of the thread is doing the best that I can with the perameters that I/we out here have to work with. I have (& I don't say its advisable) smoked fish that I have previously frozen for 9 mths & obtained excellent results. This same smoked fish I have shared with many aquaintances. One immediately went out & bought some coho I came down & used my smoke house & another did the same & went & bought a new Bradly smoker. How much better the results would be if the fish were fresh I could only imagine! I am of the nature that I refuse to & cannot within myself waste. If something must die in order for me to survive then what right have I/we to waste that which gave up its life in order for me/us to live. I so sometimes do to time & distance constraints I have to live with less then perfect results.
Point well made knotoncall. I have smoked many frozen salmon over the years with excellant results. One thing that I try to do if I plan on smoking frozen fish in the future is to glaze it as soon as possible. I find that it maintains a product that might not be as good as fresh, but it's pretty damn close. I generally use one of those foam fish holders, half fill it with cold water then add a bag or two of crushed ice or cubes let it cool down the water then dip the frozen salmon whole or whole with head off about six to twelve times every half hour between dunks to let the glaze set. I find I usually end up with about a 1/8 to 1/4" of glaze. You can do two or three salmon this way if you have a good sized freezer. I put a flat board with a green garbage bag on top approx. the same size that my freezer will allow, then dunk in the ice water and freeze then repeat. I find depending on the size of your fish and your freezer you can do two to four fish this way. Then when the fishing slows down, thaw out your fish get your smoker out and go for it. Good Luck eman
they keep the good stuff and send out chum lmao . agree they have a great loop hole for foreigners exporting fish :([V][B)]scottyboy
It would be nice if a representative from St.Jeans would respond to this forum. They advertise your fish in your fish out. From what I have heard that is not always the case. If I was the wolf I would be totally pissed if I put two whites in and got reds back? There's nothing better then a smoked white spring. eman
That was about 4 or 5 years ago and I was too busy to worry about it, dont get the wrong impression but I really like there indian candy and It didnt really bother me too to much I find it rather funny how what I sent in what I did and get back what I did get was product yes it wasnt mine.

They are extreamly busy it was in july and there is going to be mistakes with the amount of fish they process and they dont need me phoning them complaining to them,I just didnt give them any more of MY business and never refered them again as a guide you get asked daily from clients where to send it I tell them treasure Island now its good as well and it is local (sydney)

Just like in a restaurant if your not happy with the food or service you dont go back its there loss and all the people you tell same thing applies here.

I used St.Jeans for the first time this year and had one White Spring in the mix of 6 Springs I delivered to them in July.They had my order processed and ready when they said it would be and I had what I felt was a proper ratio of White Spring to Red Spring in the order.Everybody I have shared it with has really enjoyed the Candy and I would use them again unless I am on Malcolm Island again this season where I would take my fish to Coast Select for processing(Smoked Salmon sticks and Jerky).A Mom and Pop operation that are all about quality and natural products.Proffesional flash freezing or processing (I feel) is a great way to do these fish justice and give greater added value to great experience.
Sure Klob
Here Goes.
Me thinks the Brine is good for about 12 to 15 pounds of dressed Salmon. But it takes a large smoker to do that much at once. Its a cold smoke recipe. Smoker no hotter then 125 degrees F.
2 Quarts water
2 pounds Heavy dark Brown sugar
1 cup pickling salt
1 cup real maple syrup
Mix Brine ingredients together. Stir over a little heat if necessary to disolve salt
Try to use the freshest salmon or if frozen so the skins still good
Cut salmon into small fillets no thicker then 1/2 inch, leave skin ON
Lightly cut thru skin about every 3/4 inch so smoke can penetrate from the bottom. If fillets don't have skin you'll have to lay it on tin foil, so the foil will have to be cut the same way but it won't turn out as good. Any fillet thicker then 1/2 inch will have to be cut across every 1/2 inch or so so the brine can cure the thicker meat. Use a large deep pot & stack fillets flesh to flesh & skin to skin to the top in brine. Cure in refrigerator for 36 hours. Twice during that time I pull the fillets out & restack so theres no flesh that doesn't get cured. Start smoker. In this recipe you don't dry the fillets. I pull them from the brine, let the excess run off & then paint the skin with olive oil so it doesn't stick to the grates. If no skin paint the tin foil. Leave a little space between each fillet. Bring smoker up to 125 degrees F. I've tryed all the different woods but like Alder first, then any of the fruit woods. The smoke time is 12 hours, longer if cold outside. Half way thru the smoke paint each fillet with a liberal amount of 3/4 cup honey mixed with 1/4 cup water. Texture should not be jerked or dry but moist. Vacuum pack whatever you have the will not to eat. If not eaten in two wks then freeze.
Awesome recipe