Mouthca Bay!!

Drewski Canuck

Active Member
First trip to Nootka Sound in 1995 we stayed at Moutcha Bay. The Owner was going broke, the docks had rotting boards many painted, so slippery as he!!, the freezers were "off", the showers had no doors, etc..

What a difference. Just got back, and all I can say is wow. Big, clean, level camp sites, first class docks and boat house. Great restaurant, top notch staff, great launch with Tractor if needed, excellent fish processing facility, showers that were warm and clean!!!

The new owners have spent a fortune on this place, and it shows. This place really puts the other outfits in the Sound to shame.

It is a lot longer run to the outside, but in late August, that is also were the fish hold, so it is 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.

I have no hesitation of going back. This place is so good, you can even take the wife.

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Get any oversize halibut and keep it with their quota?

I think most of us here are anti any lodge/charter buying quota nice they fixed it up must be all those foreign dollars they are bringing in selling out the local recreational fishermen.
Halibut quota aside, I respect the effort. I hope he suceeds. He has sunk a lot of money in a business that has to make all its money in two months. All it takes is for a salmon closure ti happen like in Albernie Canal and you're broke.
In 97 & 98 Nootka was dead. I hope this is behind us for the owners sake.
I agree they need to drop the Halibut quota and support the true sport (not commercial sport) fishermen.
Has anyone confirmed that they did actually buy quota?
20K is a lot of Halis over 60 pounds.
Do you think they would really catch that many big ones out of Nootka.
I do fish Nootka but definitely not my choice for big Halis.
All it takes is for a salmon closure ti happen like in Albernie Canal and you're broke.

You're right, a closure in the area would effect their business. But, the point is, if they buy into the experimental Halibut program, they probably would do the same for Salmon. And presto, we have a privatized public resource.

Glad you had a good experience though, sincerely.
I have a friend whos wife caught one over 180 in Nootka so yes they're out there. I'd love to stay at nootka and was planning to in a couple weeks till I heard they supported the hali quota. so in my case its costing them. if they dropped it I'd reconsider. I like the fact you can bring your own boat and have moorage. and I haven't fished the area so that makes it appealing to me.
Try Tuta marina.
They are right on the fishing grounds.
I have been going there for 10 years.
Great people, camping, freezers, moorage, showers, no rafting up like Cougar.

I have a friend whos wife caught one over 180 in Nootka so yes they're out there. I'd love to stay at nootka and was planning to in a couple weeks till I heard they supported the hali quota. so in my case its costing them. if they dropped it I'd reconsider. I like the fact you can bring your own boat and have moorage. and I haven't fished the area so that makes it appealing to me.
Wow two guys woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning !

Do YOU support the halibut quota program? If you were informed at all you would realize outfits like that are cutting the rest of us off at the knees!!
First of all this post is not directed at any one person or the above mentioned business alone, it is a grouping of some thought and realities of this mess and people need to hear it.

Dose not matter who you are or what you may have done in the past.

If you sign on to this lease program and lease quota you are clearly saying that " My short term business needs are more important than finding long term solutions to guarantee access for future generations." You are saying that "I accept the fact that the common Canadian of today and future generations will loose access to our fish as long as the people with the most money are willing to pay ME ME ME for their access.

If any person gives there business to any operation taking part in this destructive,greedy and shortsighted program they are in my opinion doing as much harm as the business that bought into the quota system that they are supporting. If you spend money at these operations ,regardless of whether you utilize the quota made available or not you are saying " My desire to fish TODAY is more important to ME ME ME than the guarantee of long term access to sport fishing for all Canadians."

You may say you don't like it and did not pay for any quota so whats the big deal. I and many others will say the big deal is that every dollar you spend at these places is one more dollar in the pockets of those people who are willing to trade yours and my access for there own personal greed and welfare.

We keep hearing some very smart people say "do not buy into this crap as we can not support a two teared rec angling system" I agree with them that we can and should not. Unfortunately with that said I fear that many only see it as a two teared system on the horizon. History and common sense tell me it is a one teared system of only the rich can fish that we are fast tracking to. This is an unacceptable result of the greed and selfishness displayed by those businesses that have signed on to this program as well as those persons that support those operations.

Yes some could say that if it was my business on the line I would do what ever I had to do to save it and that, that may be all these businesses are doing now. Many would hear that and find it very logical and believable. I say "do not buy it for one minute." What we are seeing is business minded people getting out in front on this thing with the realization that unless a miracle happens and the sport sector gets organized to fight and win against ITQ and leasing they have a direct path to profit,while the rest of us try to sell our now worthless sport rigs and equipment. Imagine if you got in first and developed business relations with quota holders and as time went on all the other species fell into this system.

Between traditional commercial fishing and the fact it is being governed by the ITQ , an ever expanding first nations commercial fishery( this one needs more attention as well folks. Take a look at the court cases they are winning and the demands they are making.) Combine that with some poor outlooks for many stocks and now the fact that the big business side of sport fishing is being given a way to control the rest of our access,how far away do you think we are from NO ACCESS unless we have enough money to pay some business that bought or leased quota.How well do you think the small business end of our sector will survive if the big guns start leasing all the quota available.Many of them will fold as there family/one man operations will not be able to afford to lease quota.

So go ahead stay at these places,spend your money there. tell yourself "you are not doing anything wrong because you did not utilize the program." Go ahead use my favorite piece of ******** I have heard so far and say "ya can't blame them they are just working within the system that has been provided to them. It is not their fault they want to remain profitable." After all YOU YOU YOU got your fishing trip in and thats all that counts.

This may be about Halibut right now but I assure you that the long term ramifications of this taking hold will spell the end of what we love. Sport fishing is a pure healthy form of recreation that has been passed on to most of us from our parents and grandparents. It is one that many of us hope to pass to our kids and grand kids.Sport fishing teaches kids much more than just how to kill a fish. It has taught me and I hope to teach the next generation of the importance to conservation and respect for the ecosystem that the fish rely on.It brings families and friends together and it keeps many a coastal community thriving from the Millions of dollars we spend each year. This lease program is nothing more than one more phase of the ITQ. The ITQ has been designed to funnel as much of that money to as few people as possible while shutting out all those that do not fit in the narrow opening that funnel pours out of.
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Jencourt Sir

I shake your hand. Well stated, if all sport fishers were united as 1 we would not be where we are now.

Jencourt Sir

I shake your hand. Well stated, if all sport fishers were united as 1 we would not be where we are now.

And our political lobbying power would be overwhelming. Its too bad that the same governments that manage the licensing program also look to diminish any opportunity for sporties to gain any lobbying power as well.

Imagine what would happen if we added a $10.00 lobbying fee to every fresh and saltwater license in BC? that would be nearly $4 million per year JUST for lobbying, legal challenges and "pork-barreling" for BC fisheries alone.

Imagine if we banked that kind of funds for 5 years and had 20 million to lobby with? While that amount would not go too far for habitat restoration, it would go MILES for court challenges to force governments and industry to complete that habitat restoration. Federal and provincial funds ARE available to do the work that has been promised, it just needs to be re-allocated from rediculous uses in other areas. Think of the millions wasted on Panda bear tours and Senate reform hearings!!!

Imagine if court cases were brought forward from the RAG (Recreational Angler's Guild) ...(Yeah I just made that up) on the legalities of ITQ and equities in TAC? Imagine the RAG taking the Feds to court over the Changes in the Fisheries Act? The opportunities would be endless.

Licenses sold in 2005 (most recent data on BC Gov website that I could find)

[TH="class: un_normalize_header"]British Columbia - Tidal waters
[TD="class: alignrt"]169,863

[TH="class: un_normalize_header"]British Columbia - Freshwater
[TD="class: alignrt"]211,403
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You can also write A letter, not an email to your MP, MLA and the Minister and tell them you are angry and it will be a factor in the next election. Lobbying is great, and lucrative for the Lobbyists but politicians livelihood depends on votes, that's the currency they understand. Has there ever even been an online petition?
What an amazing hijack!!!! If you guys simply put your efforts to work on persuading the resort owners not to do it, you would have actually achieved something.

The truth is, the halibut fishery is sustainable, the arbitrary allotment of quota is what is frustrating, and has to be changed. There really is no good reason for the commies or the recs to be taking halis over 70 pounds anyway, as that is the breeding stock, and should be put back. The commies can modify their gear and the frequency of running their set lines, to ensure that big fish are released while still alive.

Everybody wins.

And no, I did not fish for halibut or buy quota. From the few halis I saw coming in, there was no need to buy quota anyways.

What an amazing hijack!!!! If you guys simply put your efforts to work on persuading the resort owners not to do it, you would have actually achieved something.

The truth is, the halibut fishery is sustainable, the arbitrary allotment of quota is what is frustrating, and has to be changed. There really is no good reason for the commies or the recs to be taking halis over 70 pounds anyway, as that is the breeding stock, and should be put back. The commies can modify their gear and the frequency of running their set lines, to ensure that big fish are released while still alive.

Everybody wins.

And no, I did not fish for halibut or buy quota. From the few halis I saw coming in, there was no need to buy quota anyways.


So more of the quota solves all are problems?? Do you really think that as long as there is a system in place that not only allows ownership of quota but also puts an enormous value on that ownership that the big money people in this are going to let any of that quota go without the fight of there lives. Do you really think they are going to stop working toward gaining ownership of all other species.

Allowing spawning females to live may help if done 100% of the time by all groups. I say may because there are a lot of factors causing our TAC to go down and you may be surprised to learn that a low abundance of spawning females is not really as big a player in this as some would like us to beleave. Take a look at the 10,000,000 lbs of very small juvenile halibut killed by the Alaskan Trawl fleet each year. Take a look at the years of depleted herring stocks. Take a look at the increased competition for food that is occurring in the form of the Arrow tooth flounder. Take a look at the fact that the IPHC has been reported as stating that if the sport sector stopped harvesting large spawning female Halibut it would have no measurable affect in conservation of the biomass. Not an exact quote but close. Take a look at the fact that the IPHC among others have reported for some time now that there is a large biomass of individual fish,but they are smaller per age class than traditionally seen.

More fish would certainly show an immediate shift in our favor but it would only be short term as long as we do not change the things that need changing.Too many people think more fish fixes this. That is why we have not bitten the head off the snake yet .that is why I will not stop bringing it up.

as far as saying "If you guys simply put your efforts to work on persuading the resort owners not to do it, you would have actually achieved something." To what knowlage and fact do you base this statement on regarding what I and as you put it "you Guys" have done regarding this issue. Secondly, what have you done besides support a business that has chosen to screw the rest of us over and oh and make generic statements about how releasing fish will solve all our problems.

You are right I guess this thread did get hijacked. In this case I think it was necessary and I applaud those that have the guts to keep this thing in the foreground and work to make sure people do not stop talking about it and better yet suggest new ways to help affect positive long term change.
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First of all this post is not directed at any one person or the above mentioned business alone, it is a grouping of some thought and realities of this mess and people need to hear it.

Dose not matter who you are or what you may have done in the past.

If you sign on to this lease program and lease quota you are clearly saying that " My short term business needs are more important than finding long term solutions to guarantee access for future generations." You are saying that "I accept the fact that the common Canadian of today and future generations will loose access to our fish as long as the people with the most money are willing to pay ME ME ME for their access.

If any person gives there business to any operation taking part in this destructive,greedy and shortsighted program they are in my opinion doing as much harm as the business that bought into the quota system that they are supporting. If you spend money at these operations ,regardless of whether you utilize the quota made available or not you are saying " My desire to fish TODAY is more important to ME ME ME than the guarantee of long term access to sport fishing for all Canadians."

You may say you don't like it and did not pay for any quota so whats the big deal. I and many others will say the big deal is that every dollar you spend at these places is one more dollar in the pockets of those people who are willing to trade yours and my access for there own personal greed and welfare.

We keep hearing some very smart people say "do not buy into this crap as we can not support a two teared rec angling system" I agree with them that we can and should not. Unfortunately with that said I fear that many only see it as a two teared system on the horizon. History and common sense tell me it is a one teared system of only the rich can fish that we are fast tracking to. This is an unacceptable result of the greed and selfishness displayed by those businesses that have signed on to this program as well as those persons that support those operations.

Yes some could say that if it was my business on the line I would do what ever I had to do to save it and that, that may be all these businesses are doing now. Many would hear that and find it very logical and believable. I say "do not buy it for one minute." What we are seeing is business minded people getting out in front on this thing with the realization that unless a miracle happens and the sport sector gets organized to fight and win against ITQ and leasing they have a direct path to profit,while the rest of us try to sell our now worthless sport rigs and equipment. Imagine if you got in first and developed business relations with quota holders and as time went on all the other species fell into this system.

Between traditional commercial fishing and the fact it is being governed by the ITQ , an ever expanding first nations commercial fishery( this one needs more attention as well folks. Take a look at the court cases they are winning and the demands they are making.) Combine that with some poor outlooks for many stocks and now the fact that the big business side of sport fishing is being given a way to control the rest of our access,how far away do you think we are from NO ACCESS unless we have enough money to pay some business that bought or leased quota.How well do you think the small business end of our sector will survive if the big guns start leasing all the quota available.Many of them will fold as there family/one man operations will not be able to afford to lease quota.

So go ahead stay at these places,spend your money there. tell yourself "you are not doing anything wrong because you did not utilize the program." Go ahead use my favorite piece of ******** I have heard so far and say "ya can't blame them they are just working within the system that has been provided to them. It is not their fault they want to remain profitable." After all YOU YOU YOU got your fishing trip in and thats all that counts.

This may be about Halibut right now but I assure you that the long term ramifications of this taking hold will spell the end of what we love. Sport fishing is a pure healthy form of recreation that has been passed on to most of us from our parents and grandparents. It is one that many of us hope to pass to our kids and grand kids.Sport fishing teaches kids much more than just how to kill a fish. It has taught me and I hope to teach the next generation of the importance to conservation and respect for the ecosystem that the fish rely on.It brings families and friends together and it keeps many a coastal community thriving from the Millions of dollars we spend each year. This lease program is nothing more than one more phase of the ITQ. The ITQ has been designed to funnel as much of that money to as few people as possible while shutting out all those that do not fit in the narrow opening that funnel pours out of.
Sooo well put,Jencourt! You speak the truth. If something isn't done to stop this soon,fishing here on the west coast
as we know it now will be nothing but a memory.
Drewski, glad you had a good trip. I've stayed at Moutcha twice and have promoted it on this site as a good option for Nootka. I won't do either until they get out of the ITQ racket.