This might not be helpful...more a little rant/story....
I had a Daiwa M1 last year. Could not find a Shimano for the life of me. But I thought what the heck. The first one I had fell in the river. Never got used. Then the one from last year stripped the drag knob on the first fishing trip. I was bummed out to say the least. It really felt nice. It had no line creep....which just from a point perspective, my buddies Islanders all do. So I was stoked to use it....anyway, I took it back to the shop, and swapped it out and added some extra money for a Re3f. We will see how it lasts....
Bottom.line, I haven't had any luck with the Daiwas. Might just be bad luck. If I were to try again, I would buy a Shimano....just to see. There are lots around now and the price is right.
Shout out to Hatchmatchr for doing right by me and taking the reel back.