Well-Known Member
I was wondering about that being as I just had my spool filled to the max with mono on my Mr3, maybe I should have gone with a backing first..haven't used it yet but I thought it looked kinda funny full of mono.
Thanks for the great advice,mikep. I can see exactly what you're saying.They are a very heavily ported spool.Of course use dacron backing, pretty sure thats what he has on there for backing. I would then splice in spectra then small amount of mono this reel will die if you run mono and fish it deep look how little aluminum is left. Running mono is like pounding a splitting wedge into the spool of your reel, ever notice how much thicker all the aluminum mooching reels are than fly reels..........This is because 300 yrds of mono produces soooo much force on the spool.
makes sense, I'm hoping the dacron backing will help.
also letting a couple hundred feet out and reeling it in with no drag
will allow the mono to relax before spooling it back on.
good info mikep and searun, I was originally thinking Dacron backing, fill the rest with braid then finish with 100 yards fellas with experience think that is too much mono?? the suffix is interesting looks like a good idea/product
I have never switched to braid I actually hate the stuff, sure it is tough but it doesn't stretch much, but im sure this full reel of 40lb maxima has got to go. I Usually run 30lb ultra green. but after reading about the mono shrinking and expanding now im kinda worried about my ported mr3. I also like the idea of having a different color backing on the reel to see if the fish is spoolin me out..if all this mono is going to cause damage to the ported spool then it has got to go.. suggestions??