Monster Lake Trout

Dave S

Active Member
These guys need to learn how to handle fish if your gonna release it.
Lake trout are yummy. I've caught them over 40 LB's but they can get almost 100 LB's .. Bit too fatty for the smoker, but excellent over a fire with onions, lemon, butter, and S&P.

Yeah not the proper way to handle a fish you plan on releasing.. Wonder how many vertebra he's dislocated?
View attachment 348441 lb. Laker.jpg

I used to guide in NWT/Nunavut. Here's a couple hogs from Kasba Lake. All catch n' release. One summer I had a 31 lb. Laker hit, dragged to the bottom and killed by a larger Laker. Got the fish back up but it was pretty mushed up inside. I gotta go back and get that big bugger. I saw him, he's gotta be 60+ lbs. He's still there. According to a creel survey done on the lake, these fish grow between 1/2 lb to a lb per year. So, when you catch a 40, 50 lb Laker, that fish is pushing 100 years old!
My next door neighbor guided for Kasba lake lodge for years. Did a few episodes with cooper.

Cool. When did he guide? What's his name? I was GM for 3 yrs up there. I introduced the first downriggers to the lake. I fished for them like salmon. Them Lakers didn't know what hit 'em. In fact, I persuaded the owner to get rid of the 25 hp Mercs and bolt on 40's, put VHF's in all the boats and to order downriggers for the boats too. It's not unusual to catch over 100 fish with one rod in a day at Kasba ...sure miss that place. I'll be back.
He was after my time. Although, I've seen pics of Dave with fish from up there. I know the owner quite well. We sit and b.s. with a glass of wine and one of his Cubans once in a while. Good old dude. Not doing so well health-wise lately tho... I'm trying to find the time to go up there. Driving me crazy. I would like to get a few guys together and stay at their Kazan River outpost for a 9 day-er. Could get a smokin deal for everyone. ...hmmmm maybe I should start a thread...