Mini Steering Wheel Identification

the fog ducker

Well-Known Member

this is the wheel im looking for my second staion on the Ducker ( Jeff's Boat )

anyone recognise the emblem ,

it's around 8 - 10 in wide , ( i have a max of 10'in wide i can go )

like this one , it's grippy

thx in advance


Fog you might want to try that one that has the knob on it made out of alum. I did have a grippy one but switched it over to the tiny wheel with the suicide knob and really really like it you can turn it really fast even with the bigger boat no probelm at all just an option for you.Trust me you will like it

good luck Wolf


  • Salmon Sooke 2007.jpg
    Salmon Sooke 2007.jpg
    91.7 KB · Views: 152
thanks Wolf

i have heard about these wheels , i think CS has one on the Retired ***** , interesting for sure , who is it made by ??, who carry's them...???
i have a siuicide knob on the main station , UNREAL , was gonna put one on the rubber wheel pictured,

thx in advance for the info Roy -

thx to all for identifying the wheel in question

cheers - fd

Fog you might want to try that one that has the knob on it made out of alum. I did have a grippy one but switched it over to the tiny w heel with the suicide knob and really really like it you can turn it really fast even with the bigger boat no probelm at all just an option for you.Trust me you will like it

good luck Wolf
I know Trotac has them and I think daigle marine does as well . dont have a clue as to prices but definatlly a suicide knob for steering a kicker great. dont think ide never not have one. way to easy...

I have an 6" aluminum one from redden net, expensive though, almost 200$. I found out after that they had them at Daigles for quite a bit cheaper. Still about 150$ though.
Got the same wheel as wolfy and love it... true that the knob gets cold but i'm sure we are all tough enough to handle that... lol
Not cold on a hot summer day LOL if its that cold wear gloves LOL LOL
i do all the time anyways as my hands get fricken cold, hence the heater on my boat....LOL

Good luck Wolf
Forklifts usually all have plastic suicide knobs. They can be added to any wheel. Either drill a hole in the wheel or clamp on models are sold. Check out an industrial equipment repair and maintenace company. Don't use an aluminum one, to damn cold on the hands.

Good luck.
Be it SS, alum, or wood a cold knob well its just cold... I hate a cold knob LOL LOL
Now we all know what you guys are doing when the fishing is slow!:p:p LOL
Playing with your.....