Merc Mechanic - Lower Mainland


Well-Known Member
My regular mechanic is to busy right now to look at a problem that just developed on my 200 Merc. Does someone know of a good mechanic that you could recommend in the lower mainland.

i hear lots of good things about Haney Marine (Joe). Don't think I've heard a bad...planning to take my Merc bellows and shift cable kit there when the time comes...
I will second that opinion on Haney Marine . Been going there for years ,will treat you fair that's all you can ask for
Have also heard only good things about Haney marine, PO of my boat had leg/transome shield rebuilt, and engine coupler replaced there in 2009 after an impact... all is well to this day and workmanship looked top notch...I do most my work and use Joe for parts, he knows his stuff and always willing to share info...they can get busy at this time of year though...
Thanks a lot guys.
Fortunately, I was able to spot the problems and make the necessay repairs. The motor is running well, it is good to hear that Haney Marine is a good place to have a motor serviced.