Medium Prawn Survey

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Commercial Prawners in our area are finding the same thing we did before the season opened which is that there is a lot of large/xlarge prawns around this year but VERY few small/medium.

Anyone else in other areas notice they were getting a lot of large this year but not much in the smaller sizes?

Not sure what this means but on the surface it's not saying good things about post commercial season prawning or next year...

Anyone know the life cycle vs size of prawns???

Lot of grumpy prawners around, market seems to be flooded with Chilean prawns which has brought the price down a LOT since last year. Mayby fewer commercial prawners next year..... doubt it.... if they'll fish crab for .85/lb they'll still fish prawn for 2.75/lb but they were a lot happier at $5.25. We'll be serving a lot more prawns at the Resort this year given the new prices :)
E X C E L L E N T document!!! Printed a copy for the guest reference table.

Thanks for the link!!!
Hmmm, the "species biology" sections for the other commercial species is actually better than any of the guidebooks we have...

An interesting, useful and easy to access government information source..... I think I have to go sit down for a while until my heart rate stablizes :D

Actually excellent information well worth the browse if you every wondered how fast things grow and how long they live.
"E X C E L L E N T document!!! Printed a copy for the guest reference table.

Thanks for the link!!!"

The least I could do for your prawn recipe, which is being widely circulated and heading East. Absolutely fabulous - you should be charging.
..we actually caught a mixed bag size wise vs. our Puget Sound fishey (which were much larger, (.58 oz per tail) to the grumpy is what I posted on a US board. Pls be aware that I GREATLY appreciate my time in BC , my guest status and my friends there.

well it was the best of times..AND..
Prawned in Patricia Bay around the corner from Sidney, fished for 2 days w 1800 prawns. 200 shy of boat limits for 5 people (yes the limits are a wee bit more than USA)....had to work as it has been open some time. Our best pull was 160.

Pilars post about boats and broken gear comes to mind - FRESH..I ran the boat last week and everything save the horn (yes I have a backup) worked great. This trip the horn, washdown, trailer lights, and the hauler elec circuit all failed..w near fire meltdown on the hauler. I carry a full elec rebuild kit, so repairs were accomplished on-water for the hauler anyway.

Had a first in BC, we were harassed by a commercial shrimper and watched him run down some of our gear, so we called him into the RCMP. They ran out and intervened. I will followup w letter to Can Fisheries and Oceans. I have been going to BC (and dumping a LOT of money into it) for almost 20 years and have never had anything like this happen, so I consider it an anomoly..anyway, rest of trip was awesome.

Next trip is Halibut..somewhere
Great way to handle the situation! The only way to get rid of ASSH***S, be they commercial or sporty, is one at a time. I think every country in the world has their share, hopefully you cause him enough greif to think twice before being an idiot next time.

Good Hali fishing in our pristine, cold, clear Canadian waters :)
CS and SIR, you are class act, thx :) may the fish gods smile on you.
Will get round to that hali post soon
CM-- thanks for the great link, that is some fine info that was made available to al of us. It is this type of info that makes us all stronger when we enter the water. On the topic--- has anyone any info on how things are off of Reid Island this year? Last year was the strongest that i have seen over the last 6, by way of amount and overall size.If they keep growing, we may be able to ship some of them to the east coast and pass them off as small lobsters.