Matis satus , Fishing license ??

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My buddy claims he does not need a fishing license I tried looking on the internet. Anybody have any info on this. He is a big time bull ****ter and don’t want to lose my gear on the ocean.
My wife is Metis and she recently forwarded me a copy of the newly updated Indian Act, which defines Metis as Aboriginal Peoples. But the fishing and hunting rights are still blurry. The skinny of it was, your friend must have a Metis Card from a registered organisatioin, and provide all details to enforcement officer. This does not mean he is fishing legally, but the enforcement does not seize but only records the fact your friend was fishing. Once a final and formal act is legislated into law this is still a crap shoot in my opinion. I'll ask my wife to re forward the statement if she still has it and post it here for you to deside .
My wife is also native and has her statas and does not need to have a licence,but does have to have her statas card with her.She many also take as many fish as she wishs,but we have never taken more than are legal white mans limit.Just do not want the hassle.But I do not believe that a Matis have the same right.I know that they do not get the discount on gas and smokes.
My fishing partner is a status Native.. I always had her buy a license. After several people telling us she did not need a lic. we decided to go to the horses mouth. Last week we went into fisheries and oceans in Port Alberni and asked them.

Status Indians DO NEED a lic. for Saltwater..They DO NOT need one for freshwater fishing.

This came directly from A DFO officer to me.
I am Metis and the Chairman of the Senate of the MNBC , your friend is wrong , Metis and anyother aboriginal citizens of this country require a valid fishing licence .

My wife has been stopped a couple of times and has never had a probem except at Bamfield about 13-14 years ago.The DFO guy was a a$$ tried to get on the boat.He's in a 18 ft. zodiac with a RCMP guy,us in a 14ft Double Eagle.Where did he think he was going to go.I told him he was not going to get on my boat and the cop told him there was nothing he could do from stopping me.DFO guy hold wife she needed a licence.Phoned Native Affairs and was told they get calls all the time for problems in Port Alberni Inlet.We were told that all you need is a Statas card to hunt and fish with NO limits.
Unless the Métis person holds a Indian Status Card then they do need a license, The fact is that anyone can claim to be a Métis and as long as the Métis organization accepts them they have status as a Métis. The governments regulations for a true status Indian are much different and you must prove your cultural lineage. As far as I know a true Métis is a cross between French and native Indian. Any fishing rights they may might have would be in Quebec. Defiantly not in Coast Salish or Nu-Chul-nuth waters!!
Your definition is way off base , Metis means "mixed blood" can be native and -French or native and Scots or native and English, providing they meet the Powley decision test set in the Ontario Courts and then by the Supreme court of Canada , you must be able to show descent from the traditional Metis homellands of the Red River area and the HBC hired fur traders , this genealogy must go back 5 generations and must be done by a registered and recognized genaeologist.
Upon the meeting of the descent lines you are to be also accepted by the Metis community you live in , these are stringent lines which the Metis community itself devised as we were concerned over others giving away our culture for reasons other than those we wished to be known for ( monetary gain of course raises its ugly head here)if the Metis had not forged ahead to establish fur trade and other trade routes into the North West and set up forts with their mixed blood children and native wives then the chances are that we would all be now saluting the "Stars and Bars " instead of the Maple Leaf.
As for fishing rights , they would by the very definition NOT be in Quebec , but from the Red River area and mostly located to the large freshwater Lakes in Western Canada , we have never asked for nor challenged the native peoples of the West Coast for equal fishing rights , perhaps you should read about the Metis peoples before offering advice which bears no relation to fact.

The topic was not if the metis contributed to the building of Canada, but if they need a fishing licence for B.C. I was only useng general references, in fact the The Métis National Council defines a person as Métis if they meet the following criteria:

self-identifies as Métis
is accepted by the Métis Nation...

And if it isn't french lineage, It would seem anyone with mixed blood could conceiveably claim they are Metis.
You left out the most important part which I reiterate again for you , they must come from the defined homeland ....i.e the Red River area and must trace back their lineage 5 generations , that is the criteria for consideration for Metis in this Province to apply for the Provincial registry and to be issued with a Metis card , to broad brush as you put it any mixed blood may apply is not true , many years ago they were also referred as the "Black Scots" , my mixed heritage for instance starts with James MacMillan who built Fort Langley and had an Indian wife and there was much mixed blood Scots/Native before intermarriage with any trace of French descent.
I sit on the citizenship appeals committee and see many denials due to not meeting the criteria , it is because of the very thing that you quoted on "anybody can apply and get a card" that I take exception to.

Please read the R vs Powly decision for an in depth understanding of what a Metis person is.

It's all discrimination against the white Canadian native, everyone should have the same privileges, buy the same licences, and be governed by the same laws.
We do Reel easy , we do buy the same licences , and there is nothing wrong with that as you say , just that some people out there have the wrong slant on what goes on and I think it needs to set be straight.

Sorry I missed your reply Alley cat, what advantages do you have with a Métis card? Do you gain any tax free status? Hunting or fishing rights? I'm sorry, but that is the part that I take exception to. I can trace my lineage back to before North America's discovery. Directly from King and Queen Freezie, Miss Whonnock, Lacuse, to name a few. Our claim to our territories and the rights within them is bread deep in the fact that we never immigrated to any part of Canada. We have been right here for thousands of years if not 10's of thousands. The fact that there are many issues surrounding our current situation in the fisheries of B.C. that remain unresolved, while some Métis go around saying they don't need fishing licenses, only adds fuel to the fire you might say. I happen to be living in a situation where I still see people taking resources in large commercial fishing vessels, while we sit by with a signed treaty that is supposed to grant us access to the resources "as before settlement" and watch them continue to rape and pillage the ocean. If I was to go out and try to earn the moderate livelihood that was promised to me by that treaty I would likely be arrested and thrown in jail. The fact that I do not need to produce a fishing license to a fisheries officer, only my status card, is of little advantage when you consider what we are actually due.
What we are in essence looking for is a recognition by the Federal government over the same cultural issues as you , that is education , health , and housing , if anything the Metis were even more disadvantaged than the first nations peoples , you were sadly put on reservations and had your children taken from you .
We had our land taken from us and then the Church came in to break the Michif language which held our culture together(as you recall Michif was the common trade language that the Metis used so that the First Nations and the white traders could converse.)
The Metis have never asked for fishing and hunting rights over any other cultural group in this country , there have been some cases where subsistence hunting and fishing took place and was ususally in conjunction with the First Nations group in that affected area.
I digress there , the biggest recognition factor is that of the "script" that was issued by the Tory Federal government for the lands occupied by the Metis in the Red River area and how the swindle took place and the land was taken away and the Metis peoples forced to retreat West to live which in turn triggered the Rebellion.
History followed a similar pattern to the First Nations and the Metis in ignoring and removing all rights as citizens of this country , at one time we were not allowed to own land or to even travel in bands of more than a family unit for fear of another Metis led armed uprising.
Do we gain tax free status .....NO as we do not have land claims ,there is one taking place right now in downtown Winnipeg where the above mentioned "script" issue took place and that is the only one.
Why are we organizing you ask ? To keep our identity and to show how we were like you taken advantage of and treated less than equally as compared to the others in this country and in the by product try to show how all segments of societies and cultures in this country refused to acknowledge the Metis as carrying the heritage of both First Nations and White society if you will , an enigma to both and shunned by both for too long.

Now you have me confused Alley cat on Citizenship.
You say you are a decendant of fort langley with a Native wife, how did this become that you received "scrip" from the Red River?
The government has done well. :D Pitting metis against aborigonal, [}:)] caucaisian against metis, [B)] joe against bill ..... [8] All the while taxing :( us so they can afford to tell us what to do, [xx(] how to do it, [:o)] and how we should feel about doing it. [V] Remember we take none of it with us to the grave [:0] , so enjoy it now. tight lines!
Is this really going anywhere? My dad fought for Canada in ww2 does that give me special rights? Lets cut the rhetoric and talk about fishin!