Lower Mainland scene

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Mr. Dean

What's goin on down here?.

Personally, haven't dragged any gear as of yet. From all of my intel, there must be a bunch of Springs holding off of the Fraser mouth. Howe sound should be producing. Coho's Should be commin' in. Thinking about doin' some ultralight stuff this weekend along the West Van shores.

ANY IDEA'S.............

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Schooooool's... Out! For! Summer! :)

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
....No more teachers...No more books.............

I'll be out play'n tomorrow.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Mr. dean my buddies were in that area last week. Thet were fishing off the mouth.They didn't catch any.Talked to another fellow fishing ,He said he caught only small ones and released them.My friends then headed to poiler and caught one. This was a 1 1/2 days of fishing.Mr. Dean where would the nearest launch be.Also what would you use bait or hardware.I never fished the mouth before any info would be appreciated. thanks.

thanks the runt
Hey D, how did you make out? The spousal unit wants to go out Saturday. Where did you you launch?

Runt, there's a launch at Ambleside (free!), which is very near the Cap. Then it's Sunset Marina ($16 or $18) or Horseshoe Bay (?$? same as Sunset last time) to the north, or there's a launch in Vancouver at False Creek before the Burrard Street bridge, which is fine but I have not used it in about 15 years.

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
where would the nearest launch be? Macdonald beach, N. Arm.

what would you use bait or hardware? I always have one rod rigged w/ bait and mix up the other until I find something that works, then change over all the others.

Fraser is running real high. Very little fish making their way up over the last couple off weeks. Usually a nice run comes through by now. I figure they must be holding off of the mouth.

However....We didn't get over there. I went down to the planetarium Thurs night (11:45). Cops were there checking things out. Finally gave me the green light at 1:00 am!. Then took until 3:00 am to find a spot to drop the hook and get some shut-eye. TONS of boats in False Creek. <img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle>

Started trolling out English Bay - Stanley Park. Found a HUGE school of Coho and hooked a couple(tonight's dinner). Deployed crab traps and headed back, but couldn't locate the fish again. Looked all over for them but????. Cruised over too Pt. Grey. No targets on the sounder so made way for Howe Sound. Fished Hutt/ Bowen's back-side for about an hour and had two whacks. Moved over too the Hole for the evening high slack and hooked into a reel screamer. Hit and ran out about 100 yards, cartwheeled, gone!. Couldn't hang on any longer. Had to be home for 7:30 and still had crabs to sort out. Definitely fish there though. Just need to put in the time.

Fished only bait that day. Used a plaid flasher on one side and a green on the other. Both setup as ghosts.

Red monster, did you and yours make it out on Saturday?

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
FYI-It'll be tough launching near the Burrard Street Bridge for a while-the whole Tall Ships event is taking up a lot of space.
D, it was looking a bit windy so we went up Indain Arm instead. Didn't bother to put the fishing gear out although salmon can be caught up here, just not that many by me. I did drop the crab trap and caught one keeper. Noticed lots of prawn traps! I've done some prawning up here also. Nice cruise.

I'm still looking to catch a decent spring this year; Sooke was really slow for springs and good for coho at Otter Point. I caught a few coho and a 8 pound wild coho that I threw back.

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
RM - Indian Arm............

Haven't done much over there for sometime now. At least two or three years. Have had decent fishing off of Roche Pt (Cates Park). But not this early if I remember correctly. Some nice Ling's were once had from around Crocker Island. Nice cruising grounds. You're right about that!.

Five years ago people couldn't/wouldn't believe that we could haul in prawns in good numbers from Indian Arm. Seems as though the word is now out!. Almost always did good off of Silver Falls, along the 100 meter bench. Where did you see all of the bobbers?

Puppyfarts - Are the Tallships moving in on Vanier Park?. And would you happen to know what kind off agenda they will have?.

It's aaall GOOD!.
D, there were prawn traps everywhere, but especially around the power station and beyond. I guess the long weekend brought lots of folks up the Arm. I think there are a number of good spots if you can find them, and for crabs too. I have one secret! area that usually produces prawns for me.

About the time the lings were shut down, I caught and released a big ling (twenty pounds plus)up the Arm. There are snapper too (my wife caught a good one), but it doesn't seem worth the effort because you can't keep lings and the snapper are in short supply. But if I can drop the prawn traps, I need to find something to amuse myself with for a few hours or a day.

On Gabriola you can drop your prawn traps and then go trolling salmon, which can really make things interesting. Around Silva Bay I've seen people hauling lots of prawns and salmon sometimes. Have you ever fished Gabriola?

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
"Have you ever fished Gabriola?"

Nope. Can't say that I have. Have friends that have a house on the southern side in Active Pass. They tell us that things have been REAL slow for some time now (years). If this is true it is truly a shame. Some REAL decent fishing was once had there. Apparently Pollier is now the place to go (?).

Do you get over there much? Or is this something that you're planning to do?

Hardy: The Mrs. is off on the 16th. We'll head out on that weekend and return on the following weekend. Unload the coolers, grad my nephew, and head back up for another five or six day's . Home in time for the fireworks and the August Coho/Pink festival before flying him home. The kid can hardly wait. I hear that he's driving his dad NUTS!.

Btw. Had a FEAST of prawns for our dinner tonight!. <img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>
D: I'm surprised that you have never visited Silva Bay: www.silvabay.com/SB/home.htm. It's been a haven for Vancouver boaters for years. With a boat like yours, I'd be over there all the time. I've been there a number of times and caught a spinger every time (even if it took a day or two sometimes). My wife once caught a 22 pounder the day before a derby there and it would have won. She was somewhat pissed. The year before that I caught a big one the day after the derby. There is lots of good prawning off the Flat Tops as well. You can drop anchor or stay at one of the marinas. The Silva Bay Marina is the best (nice upgrades) and there are shower and washroom facilities at the dock, a pub and a restaurant (both with great food). And it's only 28 miles from Ambleside. I remember on one occasion we decided to go over at the spur of the moment after dinner. We grabbed the boat and hit the water and made it to Silva just before the sun went down. The Strait was like glass and coast looked like a shadowy painting. My boat is a bit small and uncomfortable for such voyages. But my next boat...

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."

Done lots of cruising around in the Gulf Islands. Pretty much all of the trips have been sightseeing tours or just passing through too the Victoria area for a fishing weekend though. Usually an early season Hali hunt.

Some of the better stops I made were all in the off season. Wallace Marine park is real nice. One time when we couldn't get a spot at Montague, we blasted down too Pender. Offhand, I don't remember the name off marina but what a good time we had. Caught a nice Snapper along the way and the pub staff had no problem filling a fish box with ice. Dinner and drinks inside was AWESOME. Later the waitresses were even into doing 'dock service' down at our boat. This was 5 or 6 years ago and we still talk about that evening. They really made you feel at home. Slept in BIGTIME the next day. Missed out on the morning flood...lol.

I'll have to look up the name.....

Doc's on Bowen throws a good party as well........
Some nice tides to be had now. Doesn't look as if I'm going to have time to get out this week.$*%@!!. I'd expect some of the local 'lip-rippers' to start posting soon. <img src=icon_smile_evil.gif border=0 align=middle>

Who's is going to be the first <img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>

Mr. runt;
Read you're post under hooks. Thought my reply would be 'thread-jumping'. Soooo, there is fish out there eh!. I think that chances are if you are hooking into dogfish w/ spoons, you're likely moving to slow. I find Coyote's, or most any other, like to move through the water a tad faster than bait rigs.

What does your mentor have to say about that?. Where was this seminar and who hosted it?.

Edited by - Mr. Dean on 07/12/2005 17:13:56

Edited by - Mr. Dean on 07/12/2005 17:31:08
Mr. Dean,I took the course in Feb thru March. The charter Captain who sponsored was Jim jorgenson out of Blaine He has been chartering since 1969.He is also a retired school teacher.He seems to be very successful.He claims over 350 trips without a skunky.He uses a bechhold and sons flasher with a spoon.usually chartruse.When i got into doggies i was using that flasher and herring i like herring, but the dogs rape me.Anyone ever heard of a point defiance spoons.It's a 2"spoon.Do you have better luck with a 3.5 or4 inch.Thanks for the info.

thanks the runt
Can't say as I have any expierance w/ the hardware you speak of. Doesn't mean that they aren't any good.......I'm mainly a cutplugger kind of guy.

When I get into the dogs, I get off of the bait. Cut open one of them mud sharks and find out whats inside. Then decide what spoon/lure to through over. You'll get a hole lot less doggies doing this and better chance of Salmon by keeping gear in the water and them other buggars off the hooks.

The ugly critters are there for one reason. FEED. Could be reasonable to believe that more favourable critters are there for the same reason as well..... I think.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Anything happening around the Coalport or at the Sandheads?
Just got back from WCVI Uclulet, fishing was great for Hali out at the Big Bank. Lots of Spring and Coho at the 10m. and 5ml Banks.
A few Coho inside.
