Lower Mainland Salt

I'm goin to try Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, untill I get one!!! Winds permitting,flooding tides look like I get to sleep in this weekend.I fowarded rodbreakers report to my buddy with a 23' explorer,so he will be motivated to go as well.I was talking to some guys in Steveston yesterday and they said ther are lots of splshes (socks) but no word on springs.
Out at ambleside today for 2 1/2 hours.
Saw 1 spring landed at 7:00am straight out from launch.
Lost 1 pink, missed one other something....
Kraft Dinner tonight....

Maybe 20 boats out, didn't see/hear anything else.

Fishin' anywhere anytime for anything
Went out friday to Sandheads for the flooding tide .Saw 12 boats NO action! Went to the river and saw 5or 6 of the boats (from sandheads) jigging for pinks.Lots of talk about THE BIG SPRINGS that "people" are supposed to get around Cap/Fraser this time of year.Seems that if it does happen, it will be later or shorter runs than normal.Then again,who said Mother Nature was normal?My fishing calender has a solid blue fish today that means fishing is excellent today!! I guess that means I HAVE to go!
Out today in the morning off the BellBuoy with a dozen other boats. Caught nothing and saw nothing.

Speed up on your turns. Did three dogfish on the inside {deep} rod until I smartened up. Other years it hasn't been that bad.

61 degree water. Warmer than usual or .... ?

Own your own stuff.
Let's hope some fish get here soon! I would have thought some of the fish that have been passing the West Coast of the Island would be here by now. Soon? It sounds brutal over here right now. Bummer <img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
HOLY COW!! Did every one who owns a boat hit Sandheads today?WOW we were out there for four hours , caught 3 dog sharks (1 guy got 8) I talked to a couple of guys ZIP!! A yes , we did here that Rodbreaker got one lost at the boat,bummer! Another guy 8 hours 1PINK!!! Thats dedication!!Heading home up the river ,passing the NF boats stringing their nets all over the river just made me sigh heavily.I guess lots of people have the same calender as me! I know that we all beleive in those fish all filled in dark blue has to be good right?Always next weekend.................