Lower Mainland Salt


Well-Known Member
Thinking about heading out SUNDAY, ether PT. Grey or W/V Shoreline. Or second beach?

Any news on the local salt?

Will post a report afterward.

Fishin' anywhere anytime for anything
I'm heading over to West Van Sat.I'll try to post if I get a chance after.Hopefully I will be too busy cleaning fish for the BBQ to play on the computer!Good luck to ya!
Out for 2 1/2 hours this morning.

1 Pink to show for it.

On Anchovy.

Didn't see any other fish landed.

Fishin' anywhere anytime for anything
Yup, Sat morn@ 8:00 saw all the charter boys anchored infront of the pink apt.Jigging for pinks, saw a few boated.I trolled shallow and deep 'till 3:00 1 big hit ...gone and a couple soul.My buddy was out for 3 hours not a sniff.BIG BUMMER!!!I didn't see one guy fighting a fish the whole time .Whats up?This is really starting to become no fun and quite concerning as well.Maybe the evening bite was on and some-one here will post that the springs were thick and we just missed them.(ya right!!)Where are you going next Sun?
Fished at the T-10 on Sat. around noon. Nada
Moved down to the Sandheads caught a couple of sockeye and a nice 25lB. spring, all three on the usual sockeye gear. They were a few springs being landed by other boats. A nice day.

Fished up by Camp Byng and Chaster Pt. on Saturday (between Gibsons and Roberts Creek). Tried both morning and evening....Nothing..... trolled shallow and relatively deep. Lots of crap in the water.
You know, thats just what I figured would happen!I live in Steveston, trailer the boat to the planatarium, fish West Van all day, now I here that it was good in my back yard!!I did say to my buddy I'm goin' to the south arm next weekend , I may go after work one night (winds @ sand heads always fun in a 14'ter!).Bravefart, you trolling the pink hootchies? Spring on chovies?I heard the green teeser with black dots is a good one for there.
I used the small orange or pink hootchie, pulled off every other tentacle. Used 18" 40lb. test leader threaded through the side of the hootchie at the eye. I also use red #2 Gamakutsu octupus hooks.
Same set up caught the Spring go figure.

Hi there Pablo

The 3 "s" rule works for me (sometimes) when fishing sockeye.
Slow, Straight and a short leader.

I troll as slow as my motor allows if you are using downriggers stack as many red or pink dummy flashers as you can.

If you fish the Sandheads get as many rods in the water as you can handle (I try and get 4 or five rods out).I only attempt this on the slack, you can get into a big tangle in a hurry when the currents start up. When the tide start to turn I go back to a couple of rods only.

If there are other boats out there with multi rods out, I follow in behind them, (leave lots of room behind them, or you may **** someone off)

Bravefart.You say fishing "Sandheads",are you goin north or south of the lightship?Are you guys deep or hanging in the shallow stuff?I am not goin for socks till they are open,but I do like your idea of going through the eye of the hootchie(gives it alittle roll eh?).
I usually go to The North towards the T-10 marker, I also try going out 2 miles and work my way back in towards the Fraser entrance, but the South can be just as productive if there are sockeye around, there can be so many that the surface just boils.

Yes,it does give the hootchie that little bit of a kick, but I find it only happens if you use short 40lb. test leaders.
Good luck.
Fished out at Sandheads last night for a couple hours. Not much happening 'till wham! Nice spring on for about 18.2 seconds then it became afki@***!! seals dinner!Man I tell ya those buggers are a real pain in the a--! 1 $12 flasher,hootch and about 40 yards of line!Saw seals munching on socks and a few splahes, not thick with 'em yet.I'm going out Sat. Sandheads(winds permitting)or West Van(my luck has got to change there some time!).GOOD LUCK!!
Man, I FEEL FOR YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Cap was sloooowww ,released 3 undersized spring jacks.I wanted to hit Sandheads,but the winds were @ 18knt thats about 10 tooo many for a 14'ter! SE agaist the tide,no fun.I heard that the springs are comin in strong !After grumbling(all day) that I couldn't get out, my fiance says"You need a bigger boat."THATS WHY I AM GOING TO MARRY HER!!ZIP down to Galleon Marine to point out an Explorer 542,she likes it!! You know what I will be getting nextyear!!Can't wait.

I think a 21'er makes a great wedding present ... don't you?

Good luck with that.


... "high water" is when you can fish from your car.

HOLD OUT for a 24 or 25 footer!. I'm sure that the marrage could only benifit from a larger boat. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
<img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> <img src=icon_smile_blush.gif border=0 align=middle>

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
Do we still have Springs off of the Fraser, or have they moved on with the rain?