The key words of your entire post is "... if not done right ..." If it IS done right, it should look as if it just came out of the water with no 'shrinkage' or ??? I envy the folk that can do this. It’s tough making something that’s dead breathe again. It’s something that would be impossible for me to do, with the little patience that I have.
Just so you know, skin mounts are painted and sealed the same as plastic ones. What the skin gives the artist is a perfect diagram of where each and every spot/mark is supposed to be and the exact definition of each and every scale - Impossible to get this kind of detail, of that particular fish, from a replica. To me, they just look 'too' perfect. Once again I’ll state that (for me) the next ‘closest’ thing would be, is using the fish and making a mould of it.
These mounts are a big PITA for the Taxidermist (hence the push for repro's of recent years IMO). But if you can find a guy that's got the talent, willing and up for the challenge (read: fairly substantial $$$), There is nothin’ sweeter. Again, just my opinion.
In no way am I trying to berate your fish. If you like it, fine; I'm certain that it looks excellent and would LOVE to see it (I like that kind of stuff)... In no way am I saying, "don't bother wasting your time on one of these if you can't afford the other."
In the end it comes down to what the individual wants and is willing to settle for (even the best of the best will come up short on something) and what's the budget - EVERYTHING boils down to how big the pile of cash on hand, is.
Good to through it back and forth again, Wolf. I’ve MISSED YOU! [:I]
Shame on you for screwing up that post!
Tomorrow, post the story then go back and edit it with a pic. No need to have the same bad juju twice.