Looking less and less likely we'll have the July 15th Chinook opening in the Strait based on this notice from DFO!


Well-Known Member
Think the Chinook opening in the Strait will happen July 15 after this notice? Not looking likely with First Nations pushing hard on Chinook 5-2's! Prepare for the **** storm that's coming!


Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0645-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - North Coast - Areas 1, 2, 101, and 142 - Chinook Salmon Daily Limits - Effective July 11, 2023

The recreational daily limits for Chinook salmon will remain reduced in North Coast tidal waters as follows:

Areas 1, 2, 142, and that portion of Area 101 west of 131 degrees 40.0 minutes West longitude:
Effective July 11, 2023 at 00:01 hours to July 31, 2023 – one (1) Chinook per day.
Effective August 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 – two (2) Chinook per day.

These restrictions are being extended to further protect the Fraser River Summer Chinook 5-2 stocks. As a result of continued declines in productivity and increased environmental uncertainty, additional reductions in recreational harvest on these stocks have been identified as necessary.
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I wouldn't freak out yet about the Harrison factor. I look closely at notices last night as I am getting questions from people, and the wording in this latest notice is same as last year. As well limits are completely the same.

This notice came out same time last year, and the salmon/IFMP notice came out July 8th, it should be out next day or so. That is my guess.
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I wouldn't freak out yet about the Harrison factor. I look closely at notices last night and the wording same as last year. As well limits are same.
Except the department approached the SFAB about meeting to do reductions on Harrison. SFAB didn't feel the request was justified so said no. So now politics are coming into play!
Except the department approached the SFAB about doing reductions on Harrison. With no justification for doing it. SFAB didn't feel the request was justified.

Look we have been playing this game with these notices for 10+ years on JDF with DFO way before the Georgia Straight fisheries. It's same every year and now SOG is getting treated like the South fisheries with last minute notices. Every sector always wants everything.

Let's see what happens first then go from there. I haven't seen any info from Area17 it's going to be different. Not saying your wrong just don't think we should panic yet.
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Look we have been playing this game with these notices for 10+ years on JDF with DFO way before the Georgia Straight fisheries. It's same every year and now SOG is getting treated like the South fisheries with last minute notices. Every sector always wants everything.

Let's see what happens first then go from there. I haven't seen any info from Area17 it's going to be different. Not saying your wrong just don't think we should panic yet.
I hope you're right, but it's not a good sign that the notice targets Harrison 5-2s!
I wouldn't freak out yet about the Harrison factor. I look closely at notices last night as I am getting questions from people, and the wording in this latest notice is same as last year. As well limits are completely the same.

This notice came out same time last year, and the salmon/IFMP notice came out July 8th, it should be out next day or so. That is my guess.
Harrison Chinook are not Fraser River Summer 5.2s. Harrison stock are Fall 4.1s. They are an ocean-type, aka, sub-yearling Chinook that do not spend an additional year in freshwater. Numeric designation refers to their average age of return, 4, and the number of spring seasons they reside in the FW, 1. And they are Fall return run timing, rather than summer returns, as listed. This is still regarding the effects on the "Upper" Fraser stocks that have a slightly earlier return run-timing and the yearling (stream-type) life history. The majority of stocks with the sub-yearling life history (e.g. Thompson River Summer 4.1s) appear to be doing well, except for the Harrison stock. It's the odd outlier in the yearling vs. sub-yearling productivity scenario.
Harrison Chinook are not Fraser River Summer 5.2s. Harrison stock are Fall 4.1s. They are an ocean-type, aka, sub-yearling Chinook that do not spend an additional year in freshwater. Numeric designation refers to their average age of return, 4, and the number of spring seasons they reside in the FW, 1. And they are Fall return run timing, rather than summer returns, as listed. This is still regarding the effects on the "Upper" Fraser stocks that have a slightly earlier return run-timing and the yearling (stream-type) life history. The majority of stocks with the sub-yearling life history (e.g. Thompson River Summer 4.1s) appear to be doing well, except for the Harrison stock. It's the odd outlier in the yearling vs. sub-yearling productivity scenario.

Yes I am aware of it. I questioned the change to reference the Fraser and also the wording.
Anyone have any intel on what the Chinook retention will be like this year in Area 12 (Telegraph Cove, McNeill, Hardy)?

July 14th is coming soon and DFO hasn't really changed their info yet https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp...html#FMMCWMREG_cn_quota-a_12-2023_237190_4934

I assume it will be 1 slot size until August, then 1 full size till late August, and then 2 like in past years.

Trying to figure out my weekend fishing options. Weather forecast looks spectacular. Just gotta figure out that super low tide launch in the morning.
I assume it will be 1 slot size until August, then 1 full size till late August, and then 2 like in past years.
I don't think you can assume anything with DFO.
They send the IFMP plans out a while back and then retracted them immediatly.
It's wait and see ?