Looking for Used Aluminum Cuddy


Active Member
I am looking for an aluminum cuddy (with locking doors to prevent thefts) in the 20 - 24 ft range to be used for fishing off southern Vancouver Island, the west coast and possibly further up coast. I prefer forward facing windows to increase dash room. I cannot afford a new boat but would like to replace my 18.5 I/O Double Eagle. I have unsuccessfully viewed a large number sites but can wait until the correct boat comes along.

“The Gods do not subtract from men’s lives - the time spent fishing.”
I though that this was not to bad of a deal



quote:Originally posted by Theb55

I am looking for an aluminum cuddy (with locking doors to prevent thefts) in the 20 - 24 ft range to be used for fishing off southern Vancouver Island, the west coast and possibly further up coast. I prefer forward facing windows to increase dash room. I cannot afford a new boat but would like to replace my 18.5 I/O Double Eagle. I have unsuccessfully viewed a large number sites but can wait until the correct boat comes along.

“The Gods do not subtract from men’s lives - the time spent fishing.”

Cormac O'Kiely
Yacht Broker
Thunderbird Marine