Long lake Plz read

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Heading to long lake this weekend for spin casting/trolling and fly fishing
what should i use?? gang troll with a worm or what
for fly i was thinking a olive wolly bugger or my secret fly:D
let you know how it goes
Havnt fished there in a while. i used to have luck Trolling a wooly bugger or gang troll and worm, I've also heard that trolling rapalas works well, never tried it myself.If the fishings good you'll probably catch quite a few from 10-12inches.
I am not sure about flys but if you are going to troll hardware lose the gang troll and leave the worms in the garden.

Get something small in a frog pattern. Something like a flatfish or apex. Spoons and spinners work too. I have heard rainbow patterns work and I have had success on orange/reds as well.

I got a 18inch rainbow in elk lake on Wednesday. It jumped about 4ft into the air doing backflips right after the hit. It then took a nice long run. I got it to the boat and no joke it took off at least five more times. It was a great fight and I was happy to release the fish once it was finally tired out.

There is no way you would get a fight like that if the same fish was dragging around a gang troll and possibly a weight as well.

I am not sure how other people do on that lake but in about 3 hours I got 6 12inch fish and two 15-18. This is a typical outing for me. Find the fish and the right lure and you won't be able to keep them off.
WOW, sounds like a nice catch, i have had some great luck there for trout over the years as well. Lately i have been leaving skunked on a regular basis. what were you trolling with? i am mainly shore casting but maybe its a boat day!!
i really need to go to elk lake for the trout but i cant drive 1 more year:(
I tried shore casting (power bait) a few times before I got my boat and got skunked three or four evenings in a row. In the boat I do well as mentioned but I am not sure how it compares to others.

I mentioned in my earlier post the type of gear I use. I fish it near the surface, no gang troll and no weight.

I think the secret is more finding the fish and finding out what makes them bite. There are a few hotspots that hold fish and you can swing through there in the boat and make a sharp turn and almost every time the rod that goes slack is going to get hammered.

I still haven't figured out the bigger 4lb + fish. Maybe they are deeper?
Biggest trout ive caught is 13 or 14" at Long Lake. Havnt heard or seen anything bigger come outta there. I have caught a few bigger trout in Westwood lake while bass fishing, biggest was 19". Never been able to have much luck though while actually targetting trout though.
I fish on the bottom at long lake all the time. I usually get around 10 in like 5 hours. The biggest ive caught there was just over 2 pounds. At divers lake if you fish the bottom you catch quite a bit more than long lake but they are almost always smaller. Westwood lake seems to have the biggest trout for me i caught one there between 2-3 pounds and almost all of them are bigger than 1 pound where I fish.
went to long lake today
got to the boat launch and waiting to go in when another couple got 2 cuttthroats so then they left then we launched our boat and his dad decided to go with us and we got like 15 ft and we could start the engine because the gas like was not working well so we had to paddle back in beeter luck next time
might go out in a week or soo once its fixed
if i dident have a boat and i was fishing off shore i would use orange or green power eggs 3 feet of bottem.some guy told me to use a white mini marshmellow tiped with a half worm,i guess its asposed to be a snail ( i used it at horne lake and it worked[^])
hey mike i got a new profile my boat will be ready by the middle of march so we will head to long lake and u better catch sumthin this time [:p]:D
Fishing off the bottom with powerbait always seems to work better than fishing in a boat. I have gone many times in a boat, but I always do better from shore. I have gone out in my boat only to pull it up to the shore and fish from there. There are some big ones in the lake, but hardly any. Biggest one ive caught is around 2 pounds. But whenever i talk to people in boats I always have caught more fish than them from the shore. Just my luck though
hey time,it's the make of a gang troll 'teardrop shape'and if you buy one get a str8 silver one works much better than a half brass/silver.And when rigging attach snell directly to troll.good luck.MT;)
hey im going to long tomorrow to see if i can get n e thing
will let u all know how the fishing is
My best rig for bottom fishing on Long Lake from the shore or my boat was to take a simple non painted smaller jig head and push it right up into a smaller berkleys pumkin seed tube push the metal loop for tieing to though the side of the tube and then cut the tenticals just behind the u of the hook. Then cast it out and bottom walk it towards you slowly. Remeber to make up a few as you will loose the odd one. I think it is meant to look like crayfish or fresh water shrimp. ;) At times this would out fish anything else I threw at them. This rig also works well at Westwood Lake to. :D

Cheers ME
I want to catch some of these bass in the local lake around Nanaimo can anyone give me some pointers I have the rod just not to sure what to use or technique also picked up a little sport yak row boat pretty cool can pick it up wiyh one hand just have to get some oars for it do p.s will bass take flies