
Tips Up

Well-Known Member
Anyone having success with lings in the Brentwood/ Sidney/ Millbay area?
Any tips on fishing them? Depths? Techniques? Gear?

I went out once while letting the prawn traps soak and jigged up and released a few small ones with sting zeldas. Where there are small ones there must be big fish.

Thinking of cooling off in the boat tonight after work.

quote:Originally posted by Tips Up

Anyone having success with lings in the Brentwood/ Sidney/ Millbay area?
Any tips on fishing them? Depths? Techniques? Gear?

I went out once while letting the prawn traps soak and jigged up and released a few small ones with sting zeldas. Where there are small ones there must be big fish.

Thinking of cooling off in the boat tonight after work.

I used to do good around 'Patey(sp) rock' but it is now a RCA.
I used to hear people getting big lings along the wall (I'll do my best to explain this without a chart) to the south of Brentwood Bay.On the inlet side there is a stretch of shore before you get to a park.The park is a spot where people park at the top and walk down by a creek to a beach.Along that shore of rock before the park.very steep.Go deep.
Also,used to do o.k. off the deep side of the marker by the ferry on the Mill Bay side.Same thing.Go deep.
Ive always found I got smaller lings up shallower.If i dropped off the ledges with a big ol' herring is where I would get the bigger ones.Although I did get a 33# in 25' once.
Get yourself some baitfish(large herring or sole work great)and drop off the face of a rock ledge and go deep.they will lay on the ledges and grab as you go down.
how deep knuckle??? as i tried for first time at octopus on the weekend started ay 70` and drifted into 150 `?????? i`m i on the right path ???
Thanks for the feed back KB.

It was a beautiful night on the water last night. I went to Saanich inlet as it was supposed to get windy in the evening. That did not happen. Kinda wish I had gone to Beechy.

Caught 1 keeper ling and some dogs. Tried a few techniques and a few depths. Fished 80-250 ft. Caught the ling at 110 ft. Put out 4 prawn traps for 3 hours only got about 20. Either need to be out longer or it is still recovering from the commercial impact.

All in all a good night with good company.

quote:Originally posted by scottyboy

how deep knuckle??? as i tried for first time at octopus on the weekend started ay 70` and drifted into 150 `?????? i`m i on the right path ???
I've heard of guys getting them at Octopus point. Thats all I do.Find the ledge and drift across your sounder and drop your gear as it gets deeper.I try to touch the rocks as I drop.Remember too,they will turn off and on with the tide.I also believe that the big ones won't exert the energy to go after a small offering.