
  • Thread starter Thread starter uhuge
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If I plan on crabbing, prawning, clamming, and fishing for salmon, and bottom fish, can you tell me what licenses I will need in BC?
1 license is required for everything you want to take in tidal waters of BC.You will need to add a salmon tag to it if you wish to take salmon.If you wish to fish for salmon in rivers or other non tidal waters,you will need a seperate license.But this license is not for shell fish,bottom fish or anything else in the salt chuck.
confused yet?

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
All the info is right here... Hit on recreational licence<img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
Ps dont buy a licence online if you plan to retain Halibut from area(121??)Swiftsure..Get one in person, anywhere in Canada<img src=icon_smile_blackeye.gif border=0 align=middle>They are different.

On The Beach
There's more rules than they (green stripes,feds) can keep track of!!!or can enforce!<img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>... necessary never the less...

On The Beach
You're almost as bad as the States. Keep trying you will have fishing regs. as complicated as ours someday.

joseph battaglino