LFV-SFAC Spring Mtg. 14.Mar.2019


Crew Member
Our Spring LFV-SFAC Meeting has been scheduled; please mark this date in your calendar:

<Draft Agenda & other Info. to follow>

Date: Thu. 14.Mar.2019

Time: 7:00pm – 10:00 pm

Location: Four Points by Sheraton

10410 – 158 Street, Surrey BC

Thanks for posting this wildmanyeah. The agenda should be finalized early this coming week and I will post it on here. If anyone has any questions or input, please send an email to LFV.SFAC@gmail.com. Anyone is welcome to attend the meeting, but please email us to let us know you are coming so we can plan seating accordingly. When you email you will also be put on the email list we are creating.


Jason Tonelli
12 people showed,

DFO said that they did receive a lot of feedback in letters from the recreational community but said there has been lots of support for tuff restrictions against us.

The vibe I got from DFO is scary and there is a real chance we will not have a fishery this year.
They did not say it in these words but basically it sounds like we are losing the lobbying battle with upper DFO above the local management level.

Clifications was made about area 29-3 and even under the purposed DFO option B all 29-3 would be under 1 hatch only regulations till august 23. That includes the triangle section at thrasher rock and areas like south bowen and the hump.

The SFAB has proposed using the same regs as last year the line that goes from north arm to valdes, North of the Line 1 daily retention, South of the line 1 daily hatch.

However that is just an ask it needs backing and letters.

People need to act now!
Last night in our meeting with DFO they brought up that another avenue for feedback for things like mass marking of hatchery chinook smolts would be though the IFMP process as part of that process includes hatchery management.

The Department has released the 2019/20 draft Northern and Southern BC Salmon Integrated Fishery Management Plans (IFMPs) for comment. The draft IFMPs linked below set out the policy framework that guides decision making, general objectives relating to management of stocks of concern, enhancement and enforcement, as well as decision guidelines for a range of fisheries.

Draft Northern and Southern 2019/20 Salmon IFMP: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/szdnyx8ui3a891l/AAD111_a8wsfyk0BUicKD_Pga?dl=0

Deadline for submission of comments is April 8th, 2019. Comments may be provided in writing via email to the DFO Pacific Salmon Management Team at DFO.PacificSalmonRMT-EGRSaumonduPacifique.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Section 13 of the IFMPs outline the Species Specific Fishing Plans, which describe fisheries plans for each of the salmon species and the management units and major fishery areas for each species. This section includes the relevant information on management approach, decision guidelines and specific management measures, as well as, information related to First Nations, commercial and recreational fishing plans for each fishery.

During March and April, the Department will be meeting with First Nations and recreational, commercial and environmental groups to seek further feedback on the draft IFMPs as part of the IFMP consultation process.

Thank you,

Pacific Salmon Management Team

Fisheries Management

Fisheries & Oceans Canada
#200 - 401 Burrard St
Vancouver, BC. V6C 3S4

12 people showed,

DFO said that they did receive a lot of feedback in letters from the recreational community but said there has been lots of support for tuff restrictions against us.

The vibe I got from DFO is scary and there is a real chance we will not have a fishery this year.
Wow, shows the apathy
Sadly you are probably right.

One major problems is getting anglers to go to one site to get information.

There is no such site at present.

sadly I don't think the majority of vancouver anglers will freak till they see the restrictions and by then it will be to late.

There is also a lot of confusion because they changed the areas in SOG north and south.
Sadly you are probably right.

One major problems is getting anglers to go to one site to get information.

There is no such site at present.

Yeah not really. Our Nanaimo Facebook page has been doing an excellent job of broadcasting all the info. You can't really say that the information is there, but people are likely not caring anymore. Not sure why the small turnout. Even if all info central it wouldn't have changed the outcome. You have to engage anglers differently right now as they are being bombarded by negative publicity from the NGO groups.

Been seeing this firsthand over last few months.

We as a group are working on getting info out better, so that eventually all areas with have social media presence because where most of people spend most of their time nowadays. Nanaimo Area 17 meeting was great example of why that worked with 50 people attending, so it does work.

I have to say though it sounds like this group reached out to people, and has also moved into the social media world as well. Sometimes you try what you do to get people to show, and you can't help the outcome.

BTW I personally don't really see what you are seeing, but your entitled to your opinion though.
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