It is a fact that Region V1 Provincial fishery managers use an “absolute minimum” of 8,000 returning Skeena steelhead as their management target
It is a fact that a reliable test fishery projected there would only be a return of 5,300 Skeena steelhead in September 2021
It is a fact that FN groups that conducted in-river gill netting in the Fall of 2021 submitted catch figures to Provincial managers for harvested Skeena steelhead that equaled 1,941 fish
If one does the math, that equates to a total run equaling 42% of the “absolute minimum” steelhead required to seed the Skeena and all its tributaries
Meanwhile, a noted and very vocal Skeena fly fishing guide went on record this past November stating that 5% , or 1 out of every 20 fish, suffers mortality in a catch and release “inescapable part” of catch and release fishing
If we mash that 5% mortality rate into the above math it appears that the “absolute minimum” number of returning steelhead spawners in the Skeena was actually 40% of the threshold number fishery managers have used in their management strategy
This chart is a visceral reminder of just how poor the Skeena steelhead returns were in the Fall of 2021:
Rec/guide groups such as PFA seem to be motivated by a fear of “losing access”; maintaining access to historical fresh and saltwater fisheries is their prime mover and based on their correspondence to Minister Murray, they intend to use political action to ensure that access is kept.
That’s fine as long as fishery managers have irrefutable science to support the fact that the resource in question can support that desired continuation of access.
Meanwhile, we’re all in agreement— the FN groups with either a box of gill nets or a fancy fish trap are not going away....... but I don’t care if you as a rec fisher or as a guide showed up on the Skeena in September of 2021 with a case of boraxed roe or a box of barbless hooks....the strength of the resource based on the Tyee Test Results absolutely did not support access of any kind for those two sectors.