Lets see your favorite vintage trolling spoons.

This is a neat little spoon. Has some nice action. I have no idea if they are still made or not. We've had some luck with both salmon and trout.


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This one is interesting, I have not tried it yet, but it looks like it could be towed by either end. I'll rig it up eventually and try it both ways to see which way swims the best.


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More than just a spoon or two. It's ALLIED's full catalog sample case era 1950's. Anyone got history or information about this now defunct BC tackle company?



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These egg woblers are pretty cool. Anodized aluminum. Did not see a lot of that in the fifties. I have quite a few, I am going to wash a few next time I am out on the brine. Who knows might hammer. 🙂


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I know, I know, these are not spoons, but interesting history none the less.


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Haven't taken the time to figure out which ones are my favarite, but here is the "vintage" category of my tackle box. Really only have swam the Tom Mack's and the Diamond Lance. The big guys for a few minutes when it has been slow. Interested in tips of when and why to go to some of these classics.1000002094.jpg
Tip: after a great day of catching, tie the two with red beads on and fly them from your rod tips while you dock and clean all your fish. Then offer them for sale because you have so many there that will do better.
Haha yes, I am skeptical of those ones. Have never bothered to swim them. They, like a lot of these, came in a used tackle lot I bought on marketplace a few years back when I was starting out.
These are some prototypes from an oldtimer I met. All appear to be stainless steel. He told me that they all caught him fish including trout and salmon. He shared his ideas with a few local makers many, many years ago. He said even Ed Palister had a look, but said no one seemed very interested in what he had. He told me that was his venture into tackle making and stopped pursuing his dream and only made them for himself and a few friends. I didn't have the heart to say never quit, always keep going. I did however enjoy a great cup of tea and had some very good conversation and thanked him with the highest of gratitude. Super nice guy.


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These are some prototypes from an oldtimer I met. All appear to be stainless steel. He told me that they all caught him fish including trout and salmon. He shared his ideas with a few local makers many, many years ago. He said even Ed Palister had a look, but said no one seemed very interested in what he had. He told me that was his venture into tackle making and stopped pursuing his dream and only made them for himself and a few friends. I didn't have the heart to say never quit, always keep going. I did however enjoy a great cup of tea and had some very good conversation and thanked him with the highest of gratitude. Super nice guy.
That one on the far right almst looks like a proto-type for an Apex.
Found these these salesman boards in Bamfield a while ago. They will be auctioned off Aug 24 Saturday night in Bamfield at a fund raiser for the community hall project.Luhr Jensen1.jpg


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I see Trolling spoons.

The last few days I have been rolling through my tackle collection, kind of trying to get a handle on it and organize it somewhat.

Just a tiny view of what I actually have. I'll probably pair down a little and wean some off a bit.


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Tip: after a great day of catching, tie the two with red beads on and fly them from your rod tips while you dock and clean all your fish. Then offer them for sale because you have so many there that will do better.
well young fella............those gibbs ruby set spoons were one hot item on our troller back in the 80's

late season for springs