Ground Tackle
Active Member
Its great seeing everyone's dogs! I had a kennel for 15 years out in both Nova Scotia and Ontario - I bred and showed Labradors (english type) and used to teach dog obedience. I would have one to two litters a year and had up to 10 dogs when I was really active in the dog game. Besides breeding the Labs, I have owned and shown German Shepherds, Rottweilers and had a Bernese Mountain Dog which I waited 2 years for out of specific German bloodlines. My last litter was in 2008 and I closed the kennel at that time, placed all of my dogs in wonderful homes and moved back out to the Island. Suffice to say, been there, done it and got the t-shirt! I am now just happy to be a pet owner, my most current dog was an English Bulldog "George" had always wanted one and finally did, in this case I purposely stayed away from the heavy championship lines and chose a breeder who had nice bloodlines but also had some "leg" under her dogs - it was a good call, besides his wonderful temperament, I had absolutely no health issues with him (which was miraculous for that breed) he died Sept 2018 at the ripe old age of 12 years - I am attaching a photo of him in memory. I made it 2 months without a dog in the house and the void was palatable for me. I contacted my old dog show buddies back East and said I need a dog in here! For the first time in my life I decided to go with a smaller dog because I wanted something "boat size" - not that large dogs aren't great on boats - they are, but I knew we would be doing 5 days straight out at anchor and I wanted something that could move around comfortably on the boat and we weren't tripping over either. My friends sent me out Piper - she is a Cairn Terrier - photo attached. She came out to us as an adult and we have had her 2 years now. The first terrier I have ever owned and my god, she is a lot of dog in a small package, and she LOVES everything so far boating wise.