Last day of our season

the runt

Active Member
Made it out on the 31st.Finally caught a black mouth on a coyote spoon.A 17 pounder, switched to a heavy leader 40# test.Once again Gents your great advice got me a fish thanks.I waited to post, i had a picture of the fish and my second best ride [my boat]haven't figured the picture thing out yet.

thanks the runt
since ive been usin copenhagen I never had any troubles with worms or long relationships<img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>

cheers steely
go, and make a account, then you can upload the pictures to that site . then copy and paste it to your posts on here....
Hi craven,We get to start up again on july 1st.Is it true sooke is closed to salmon fishing I'm hearing this thru the grapevine.I will head over to active pass,also Saturna island and Tumbo island.It's about twenty miles each way.Gas at 2.65 gallon ouch.

thanks the runt
thats' cheap, we are 1.10 per litre, approx 4.50 can$ a gallon
never mind, we would pay twice that to be on the water in our
boats !
sooke is not closed, although there are some R.C.A. closures
our season on Chinooks does not close, although i would not
be surprised if DFO does implement in the future.

hey runt,

I hear the PMFC counsel meeting in Sacremento went really well for Washington and Oregon coastal Salmon Seasons - maybe there is a Neah Bay trip in your near future.

Do you get over to Sooke or other VI spots for Salmon fishing?
since ive been using copenhagen I never had any troubles with worms or long relationships<img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>

cheers steely

There is a lot a guy could learn from the above statement - funny stuff
What have you heard about Neah Bay. The last thing that I saw was they were talking about limiting the days like last year. There was even talk that it might be limited to 3 to 4 days a week. Any info would be much appreated. There is nothing on the Washington state site. tight lines and sharp hooks

joseph battaglino
Sorry joe havn't heard anything,not even any catch reports.Will be gone for a looking foward to a report when i get back lol.

thanks the runt
yeah if people would just listin to my rediculous dumb remarks life would actually be alot easier with alot less hastle

laters steely ps someone buy my boat! i have a guy holdn his 18 foot sangster till i can get rid of my 16 foot