Lake for September - Lac Des Roche - HiHuim?

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Any and all help appreciated here - Every two years or so 8 friends and I head to Kamloops for a lake trip - about 6 days of fishing - we break down into two camps - those who fly fish and those who troll - we fish hard as about half of us are old salmon guides and can't quit the habit of staying out. That said, we're not you're typical high end lake anglers either - we just don't do it enough. We've to Roche lake a few years, but got skunked brainless one year - last trip we went to Knoeff - loved the Rustic cabins and had a great time. but fishing was little slow.

This year, I'm looking at either Lac Des Roche or Hihuim, but certainly open to other suggestions - any thoughts on how these two lakes compare re: fishing in late sept? Also looking at Fawn lake - we primarily are looking a lake that will fish well for us (moderate skill) - accomodation is secondary - we like a place you don't have to take your boots off and like a bit of seclusion, but any and all suggestions appreciated

thanks in advance
yea - we liked Knoeff, I think that maybe we hit it when it was a bit slow - while we fished it a lot, we spent a lot of time near the end of the lake close to the cabins

any tips for either of those lakes?
Allan I've been fishing Kamloops for many many years oll in may fishing Chironomids on dry line and long leaders .There are so many lakes you could try you will never fish them all some of the lake's we fish are friskin ,if it did not winter kill this year it would be a lake you should try big fish and lot's of them Edith lake has some monsters ,logan lake,island lake,community,bulman,plateau and there are so many more but these should get you some nice fish.
steely man.
Fawn is a very difficult lake to figure out, fat ******* trout are all around you and want nothing to do with anything you have to offer, chironomid fishing in about 40 feet seems to be popular there!!!. Dragon up the road a couple of hours in September is dam good though, dont keep any of them though as they resemble a mudsicle
Fawn is a very difficult lake to figure out, fat ******* trout are all around you and want nothing to do with anything you have to offer, chironomid fishing in about 40 feet seems to be popular there!!!. Dragon up the road a couple of hours in September is dam good though, dont keep any of them though as they resemble a mudsicle
thanks Steely old man and Cammer - I'll do my research and see what I can find for accomodation - I like Roche as a central destiniation for the lakes described as close by

Fawn worries me for the reasons mentioned - if we had a couple of weeks to figure it out, We could prob. get things working, but with 3-4 days on the water, and half the guys non fly fishers. I wonder/ Dont want another pass lake experiece

much obliged for the kind information
I have fished interior lakes for years and have found september to be hit and miss.I definately prefer june and beginning of july as there are manny more hatches.however I have done ok at badger and the trophy lakes near Glimpse using dragons,leeches and boatmen when they are popping like popcorn.
allan also try the BCFROA website and it will most likely give you some options as to accomodation, like i said before, Dragon is deadly in september and is easy to fish, im up in Quesnel 3 xs a summer and the lakes go off in mid sept., pretty good size fish and some lakes in the area have excellent eating fish
I have fished lac des roches for years when I lived on it. springtime is the best time hands down... in summer that lake can be very moody and the fall is good but can be unpredictable unless you are a local...I flyfish only so I can't speak for hardware guys...Now Hihuim lake is killer in the spring and fall.. The resort there was great when I was there years ago but I can't say now. Fawn lake again is good in springtime it's changed ownership a while back but I found the best fishing to be in the evening time down the far end. I guess if I had to pick success and accomodation I would go Hihuim IMO. If ya want to go summertime go to the high lakes off hwy 24 always good luck there....cheers!
Hi all im an Aussie flyfisherman from Western Australia who is coming over to C
Sorry about that first post im a computer caveman and pressed the wrong button!. I was about to say Im coming to Canada in July to visit non fishing rellies. They are taking me out to Lac Des Roche for a few days in July. I planned to bring a 6wt outfit, and perhaps a 9wt for the odd saltwater trip around Vancouver itself. any advise to a new bloke to your shores would be much appreciated. Regards Stilly