kayak fishing 2015

Anyone fish near the Victoria Breakwater lately? I'm thinking about dropping the crab traps and then heading around the breakwater to fish tomorrow.

I'm waiting for another month and 5 days... than it is Ling season :D Probably going to hit Jordan River in the next 2 or 3 weeks depend on what the winds are like.
Hey all, what is your favourite spring salmon trolling technique form the yak off a rigger? I like the kite tail flasher (allows for little drag and very short leader) with a hoochie, or a 5 inch silver prism coyote spoon, straight tie. Long leaders are not overly compatible with yak fishing. Full size flashers give me too much drag with a 5lb ball. Thinking of some dodger chovy action this year...
I was out at Jordan River today looking for halibut, with my usual luck! :(

I think I was chatting with you up there on Friday, T2. Were you all geared up with a crab trap as well as your two halibut setups and a buoy with a shark hook in case you tied into one?

I moved a bit further down to cast from shore to see if there were any redtailed surf perch around, but I didn't have any luck with that, either.

I think I was chatting with you up there on Friday, T2. Were you all geared up with a crab trap as well as your two halibut setups and a buoy with a shark hook in case you tied into one?

I moved a bit further down to cast from shore to see if there were any redtailed surf perch around, but I didn't have any luck with that, either.

Yeah, that was me. It was good to get out but not my day to get one.
Xavier--I haven't used the kite tail that much. I have yet to catch a spring on one but I had some luck with coho last fall. I sure like the idea of less drag, so I'm going to give them more of a chance this year. They'll work on pinks for sure. I use a 7 lb ball for winter and a 5 lb for summer. Last year I had some success with regular size flasher and blue brined herring strip. I liked the fact that with strip, you don't have to check your bait as often as you do with anchovy.
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The gear I do the best on for springs is for sure anchovie! For the flasher regular silver betsey. Or if I don't want too much drag I used a spinning cone style flasher. Caught springs on both, but more on the regular style one. Hope this year will be better than last for me. biggest spring last year was only 12 lbs beauty. image.jpg
Hey guys,
Anyone that has a downrigger on their kayak able to post a picture of the set up? I'm interested in how it would work! What type of rigger are you using? How does it affect your balance?
Hey guys,
Anyone that has a downrigger on their kayak able to post a picture of the set up? I'm interested in how it would work! What type of rigger are you using? How does it affect your balance?
Here's a picture of mine, Steve, from when I was rigging it up a few years ago. My setup is not typical because of the outriggers and the wooden platform that I built to go on the outrigger arms. Most guys with a monohull yak mount a small Scotty lake troll or the next manual rigger up in their lineup, either to a milk crate behind their seat, or to the hull itself. I'm using an old Scotty model "Saltaire" circa the 1970's that I inherited from my dad. It's about right for the 5 or 7 lb balls that I use. I personally think the lake troll Scotty rigger is too small for the salt but it's a matter of opinion.
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Here's a picture of mine, Steve, from when I was rigging it up a few years ago. My setup is not typical because of the outriggers and the wooden platform that I built to go on the outrigger arms. Most guys with a monohull yak mount a small Scotty lake troll or the next manual rigger up in their lineup, either to a milk crate behind their seat, or to the hull itself. I'm using an old Scotty model "Saltaire" circa the 1970's that I inherited from my dad. It's about right for the 5 or 7 lb balls that I use. I personally think the lake troll Scotty rigger is too small for the salt but it's a matter of opinion.

Tsqd, nice rig but what's the story with the peacock??? [emoji79]


ps: I 'found' one of the 7 lb DR balls I'd promised you.

Reluctantly sent from my iPhoney using this crappy Tapatalk app... [emoji37]
That's Percy, the local boat inspector. He's vain, but , like most inspectors,he works for peanuts! :D
Thanks for the lead, we'll connect soon.
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Steve - Here is my set-up. I use a short arm dr on a milk crate. I switched the steel over to 80lb braid as that is all you need for a 5lb to 7lb weight. It really reduces the blowback when using small cannon balls.

It is not ideal having the dr behind me, but it does work quite well. I am going to attach a scotty laketroller in front of me this year. It will allow for an easier option when a 4lb ball will suffice and i am fishing in the top 40. However, I will be compromising the two to one retrieve rate and the counter. But it will be a bit more stable. Only time it is close to sketchy is when someone runs right by me with a large wake to my side, and I am turned backward cranking the dr.

Second photo is of the first spring caught on it last year, which happened to be in my first 20 minutes using a kite tail flasher. It's purpose (the kite tail), for me, was to reduce blowback/drag and enable a short leader which is nice when yak fishing.


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Thanks guys! those look like pretty awesome rigs! Might have to start setting one up... or try throwing a downrigger onto a paddle board. hahaha extreme core work out.
Hello Xavier
Do you have a full size battery in the kayak or is that a portable style sounder? Trying to figure out the best thing to rig my row boat with. I figure you kayakers probably have it sorted out. Any others out there who use a depth sounder on your rig care to comment on what your set up is for the ocean that would appreciated.
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I use a little motor cycle sized battery for my sounder/plotter. It's good for 4 or 5 hours. I keep it in a dry bag under the front hatch.
Hemi. I didn't get out this weekend, too much current for me.
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Hello Xavier
Do you have a full size battery in the kayak or is that a portable style sounder? Trying to figure out the best thing to rig my row boat with. I figure you kayakers probably have it sorted out. Any others out there who use a depth sounder on your rig care to comment on what your set up is for the ocean that would appreciated.

I use a 5AMP Sealed Lead Acid battery. Depending on your sounder power requirements it should last 10-20 hours.
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Hi Everyone,

Recently found out I will be coming to Victoria for work this summer (staying 3 months). I have access to a sailboat over in Vancouver but wife decided she wanted to do as much fishing as possible for the time we are there. Just bought a NuCanoe Frontier 12. (we had a classic 12 and loved it but when we got access to a sailboat we sold it). Frontier 12 should serve us well if the Classic 12 was any indication.

Had it in the garage the last week and right now I'm almost done rigging it. I have a crab puller, 2 rod holders, and an anchor trolley. Cut my 30lb trolling motor to a bass yaks style set up and moved the control switch to the seat. Small U1 battery fits in the hull up front. Fish finder is an Echo 150. VHF radio and a few other fishing gear odds and ends coming this week.

We were thinking we would be happy with jigging lingcod, rock fish, greenling but apparently its all closed in area 19 so now I'm trying to figure out a salmon setup.

Would love to maybe form a small group of kayak fishers. Plan on going to a few spots on the island on weekends to camp/fish and make the most of our time on VI

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Welcome Rcvmini. There is a handful of yak fishermen in the Victoria area. We'll be able to help you find a few fish. It's a pink salmon year, so there will be lots of fish to work on in August.