Just wanted to say hi!

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I am from Cambridge Ontario. I have always wanted to salmon fish in B.C. but, it is going to have to wait a few more years.I just happened to surf into your site and it seems very informative.I am very curious to hear how fishing is different out there compared to the great lakes.

And how is the state of the fisheries out there....We've been hearing reports of the water levels dropping and it's impact on the fishing.
Well downriggers were invented in the Great Lakes so trolling isn't all that different tides are important here.
My rig's an 18' Crestliner I/O, built in the States for the Great Lakes. Other than tides and species, not a whole heck of alot of difference on the chuck. Where you livin on the Island Spoon?
Well what surprised me when watching Fishing shows that were trolling for Great Lake salmon was was how many lines they could have out (planers, downriggers, dipsy divers, etc)
Plus the fact that their idea of a shaker is sometimes a 2lb rainbow! lol
We have a great little game we play out here on the west coast.It's called tug o' war with a seal.The fish always loses though.
Thanks for the replies everyone.
To answer some questions- I fish Long Point bay on Lake Erie, Mainly rainbows and walleyes. This year was the best fishing I have ever had,lots of rainbows 6-9lbs average size. We got some walleyes 6-8lbs average, really nice fish. The water levels in Erie are down a little but I don't think it has had much of an impact.Lake Huron is really low and it is hurting the fishery there.
-In Lake Erie you are allowed 2 rods per person, there are usually 3 of us so we run 6.2 riggers,2 dipsy's and 2 rods off of planer boards usually leadcore (very productive). Some of the charter guys run 16 or more rods at one time. Heres some Lake Erie Bows
Wow nice pics Spoon I'm from Chatham Ont. Used to fish Erie lots.
Looks like the fishery is doing well good to see I sure miss walleye fishing. But once you have hooked into one of these salmon your really hooked. I love it, and just to get out on the ocean is great. The fishing is much the same here as it was back there really with the exception of some regulations with gear, barbless hooks,multible 3 prong hooks, things like that. The big thing I find is how deadly salt water is on your equipment. Seams like anything within 100 miles of the ocean will rust and rot away Ha..anyway take care. Offender
To be honest with you I'm not sure? I was pretty young then. I remember a salmon derby held every year where the winning size was usually around 27-29 pounds though.
Pacific salmon used to be stocked in Lake Erie but not so much anymore.Mainly Steelhead, brown trout and lake trout are stocked now.

Pacific salmon used to be stocked in Lake Erie but not so much anymore.Mainly Steelhead, brown trout and lake trout are stocked now.

Even if they don't stock them anymore they should have become a self-sustaining population like in the other great lakes, didn't they? I was very surprised years ago when I learnt about the pacific salmon in the great lakes and how well they do there. Repeat offender, I am almost certain the 27-29 lbs salmon you saw were chinooks. I watched the same near Sault Saint Marie on Lake Superior some years ago. Actually, now that I think of it, there was a Sat morning fishing show some time ago about chinook and coho fishing in Lake Erie. Maybe it is more localized though...One day I got to go back there and try it myself - now that I am a pacific salmon expert!
Even if they don't stock them anymore they should have become a self-sustaining population like in the other great lakes, didn't they? I was very surprised years ago when I learnt about the pacific salmon in the great lakes and how well they do there. Repeat offender, I am almost certain the 27-29 lbs salmon you saw were chinooks. I watched the same near Sault Saint Marie on Lake Superior some years ago. Actually, now that I think of it, there was a Sat morning fishing show some time ago about chinook and coho fishing in Lake Erie. Maybe it is more localized though...One day I got to go back there and try it myself - now that I am a pacific salmon expert!