Rodney Hsu
I am pleased to announce that the 6th annual Fish for the Future will take place from 10:00am to 3:00pm on Saturday July 12th, 2008. This community event is a fantastic opportunity for parents to introduce fishing to their children, as well as an excuse for regular fishing fanatics to get together.
Fish for the Future is the only event taking place in British Columbia during the National Fishing Week. Its objectives are to promote fishing as a healthy, responsible outdoor activity and bring public awareness to wildlife conservation, watershed stewardship and habitat protection.
The event venue will once again be at the No. 2 Road Pier (London's Landing) in Steveston. This is a popular pit stop of the fast expanding network of bike trails in Richmond, so participants are welcome to pedal to the event. The nearby Shady Island is a bird refuge, so bring your camera for those waterfowls and birds of prey.
Activities & Exhibitions
Let's go fishing
Fishing will be available throughout the event on both the pier and the floating dock. There are up to ten different types of fish that live in the waters at London's Landing - Peamouth chub, northern pikeminnow, redside shiner, shiner perch, sculpin, flounder, herring, bull trout, cutthroat trout, white sturgeon. Limited number of rods and reels can be borrowed on site. Juvenile tidal fishing licenses, bait, hook, weights will also be available.
Learn to Fish lessons
The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC will be doing ongoing learn to fish lessons throughout the event. Find out where you can go trout fishing in British Columbia from Natalie and Mike!
Flytying clinics
Ongoing flytying clinics and demonstrations will take place. Let the instructors guide you through your first fly and create your own afterward.
Flycasting clinics
If you are new to flyfishing, this is an opportunity for you to get started! Ongoing flycasting lessons will be available. The instructors will have rods available for practice, but you are also welcome to bring your own.
Birds of prey exhibition
OWL is an organization that takes care of injured birds of prey. Check out some of the most magnificent bird species in BC at the Birds of Prey tent. Find out the threats that they face in the wild and our urban world.
Juvenile salmon station
The Seymour Salmonid Society will be showcasing some juvenile coho salmon that have been raised at the hatchery. Let the experts tell you about the fascinating life of the pacific salmon and projects done on the Seymour River.
Discover a bug's life
Our rivers and lakes are populated with tiny aquatic insects. These make up the base of our food web. They are different in shape, size and colour. Pick up a magnifying glass and explore this unknown world.
White sturgeon station
White sturgeon is a relatively unknown species in the Fraser River. Find out more about its biology, the ongoing tagging program and fishing techniques from Randy Beck at Ultimate Sportfishing.
The fish station
At the fish station, there will be aquariums housed with common fish species from the Fraser River. You are welcome to bring your catch to the aquarium for observing before releasing them back into the river.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada info booth
Do you have a question about saltwater fishing in BC? Talk to one of the DFO officers to get all the information needed. Informative handouts such as salmon and rockfish ID cards will be available.
Burns Bog Conservation Society
Burns Bog is an important ecosystem in the Lower Fraser. Learn about it by taking part in some of the arts and crafts activities that are available.
Better living booth
Find out the importance of freshwater and healthy food such as wild salmon in our lives from the Council of Canadians.
The Estuarium Project
The Estuarium Project is a proposed educational centre for the Lower Fraser community. Find out more about it from the Fraser River Estuarium and Education Society.
TD Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
Find out how you can set up a shoreline cleanup in your community during the National Cleanup Week on September 20th - 28th, 2008.
BC Hydro Powersmart
Conserving energy does not just save you money, but it is also beneficial to the planet. Find out ways you can conserve from the BC Hydro Powersmart Team.
Georgia Strait Alliance
They will be presenting some of their current projects at the event, including the green boating program, clean air and water campaign and closed containment salmon aquaculture campaign.
Contact Information
If you wish to be part of this event by becoming a volunteer, please let me know. There is no cost to take part in this event. Just show up with a big smile, expect to catch some fish and learn. Please note that no food or drinks will be sold on site due to city bylaws. There are picnic tables in shaded areas where you can enjoy your packed lunch. For more information, you can contact me at:
Rodney Hsu
Rodney Hsu
Webmaster -
Fish for the Future is the only event taking place in British Columbia during the National Fishing Week. Its objectives are to promote fishing as a healthy, responsible outdoor activity and bring public awareness to wildlife conservation, watershed stewardship and habitat protection.

The event venue will once again be at the No. 2 Road Pier (London's Landing) in Steveston. This is a popular pit stop of the fast expanding network of bike trails in Richmond, so participants are welcome to pedal to the event. The nearby Shady Island is a bird refuge, so bring your camera for those waterfowls and birds of prey.

Activities & Exhibitions
Let's go fishing
Fishing will be available throughout the event on both the pier and the floating dock. There are up to ten different types of fish that live in the waters at London's Landing - Peamouth chub, northern pikeminnow, redside shiner, shiner perch, sculpin, flounder, herring, bull trout, cutthroat trout, white sturgeon. Limited number of rods and reels can be borrowed on site. Juvenile tidal fishing licenses, bait, hook, weights will also be available.
Learn to Fish lessons
The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC will be doing ongoing learn to fish lessons throughout the event. Find out where you can go trout fishing in British Columbia from Natalie and Mike!
Flytying clinics
Ongoing flytying clinics and demonstrations will take place. Let the instructors guide you through your first fly and create your own afterward.
Flycasting clinics
If you are new to flyfishing, this is an opportunity for you to get started! Ongoing flycasting lessons will be available. The instructors will have rods available for practice, but you are also welcome to bring your own.
Birds of prey exhibition
OWL is an organization that takes care of injured birds of prey. Check out some of the most magnificent bird species in BC at the Birds of Prey tent. Find out the threats that they face in the wild and our urban world.
Juvenile salmon station
The Seymour Salmonid Society will be showcasing some juvenile coho salmon that have been raised at the hatchery. Let the experts tell you about the fascinating life of the pacific salmon and projects done on the Seymour River.
Discover a bug's life
Our rivers and lakes are populated with tiny aquatic insects. These make up the base of our food web. They are different in shape, size and colour. Pick up a magnifying glass and explore this unknown world.
White sturgeon station
White sturgeon is a relatively unknown species in the Fraser River. Find out more about its biology, the ongoing tagging program and fishing techniques from Randy Beck at Ultimate Sportfishing.
The fish station
At the fish station, there will be aquariums housed with common fish species from the Fraser River. You are welcome to bring your catch to the aquarium for observing before releasing them back into the river.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada info booth
Do you have a question about saltwater fishing in BC? Talk to one of the DFO officers to get all the information needed. Informative handouts such as salmon and rockfish ID cards will be available.
Burns Bog Conservation Society
Burns Bog is an important ecosystem in the Lower Fraser. Learn about it by taking part in some of the arts and crafts activities that are available.
Better living booth
Find out the importance of freshwater and healthy food such as wild salmon in our lives from the Council of Canadians.
The Estuarium Project
The Estuarium Project is a proposed educational centre for the Lower Fraser community. Find out more about it from the Fraser River Estuarium and Education Society.
TD Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
Find out how you can set up a shoreline cleanup in your community during the National Cleanup Week on September 20th - 28th, 2008.
BC Hydro Powersmart
Conserving energy does not just save you money, but it is also beneficial to the planet. Find out ways you can conserve from the BC Hydro Powersmart Team.
Georgia Strait Alliance
They will be presenting some of their current projects at the event, including the green boating program, clean air and water campaign and closed containment salmon aquaculture campaign.
Contact Information
If you wish to be part of this event by becoming a volunteer, please let me know. There is no cost to take part in this event. Just show up with a big smile, expect to catch some fish and learn. Please note that no food or drinks will be sold on site due to city bylaws. There are picnic tables in shaded areas where you can enjoy your packed lunch. For more information, you can contact me at:
Rodney Hsu
Rodney Hsu
Webmaster -