The establish Company all contribute one way or another some more then other..Yes Islander does contribute lot's ,also a very high profile smaller company... The company which has Trophy employees over 70-plus people. the president has actively been involve in fisheries stuff including the hali allocation battle 5 years ago which was 1000's of man hrs...there staff which some are friends and fishing partners are involved in the SFAC and SFAB process...Amundson ..smaller company 5 -8 employee's or s a warhouse pays there tax's too...donated to small events and SFI events ect.... So its area to area and most company in this industry help out in the way that they can...Yes Islander has been a great supporter of the local area's and the has many others..I only use the 2 above but there are many more company Normark has given lot's to the fisheries across Canada ect... All I'm trying to say to other s is before driving the bus over the company..know the body of work first.... yes some reels are better then other s ..I use only 2 types that work for me..and I have been able to fish a wack of different reels over my life time...its a personal chose...being human we all like thing different....