Island Outfitters Trout Leader board


Well-Known Member
Island Outfitters has started a year long leader board contest for trout. To enter you have to bring in your trout to be weighed at the store. Konrad Herrmann is the current leader with a 7 lb 1 oz rainbow that he caught at Langford Lake.
Its nice to see them finally doing this but at the same time I know alot of guys on this forum are more into C&R. Beauty fish Konrad hope you can hold 1st place for the year and get a decent prize!
Kunni will win something nice for that fish...
Its nice to see them finally doing this but at the same time I know alot of guys on this forum are more into C&R.

Yeah its too bad you have to kill it and have Island outfitters weigh it. This was the first time I have heard about this trout leader board.

wish i new sooner, caught a 29 inch rainbow the other day and let it swim

Same here, if I knew wise buys had a leader board I would have weighed it there aswell
